Devi Mandir

Trying Leads to Success

I’ve been waiting for the chance to do long asana sadhana with Swamiji for a while, so my excitement at the opportunity propelled me through most of the mental obstacles that tried to stand in my way.

The most important thing that I remembered while I was sitting is that all I must do is TRY and that in it of itself, is success.

Each time we simply try, our capacity will expand and we will continue to grow and grow all on its own. If we simply try!

So if you think you can’t do this kind of sadhana, all you have to do is sit down and try. And you will succeed! That is the Kripa, the Grace.

Sitting in the long asana with Swamiji and overcoming the ego for that period of time was completely exhilarating!

It was everything in One, from the ego trying to convince me that I can’t do this and shouldn’t be doing this to feeling the blissful and calming vibrations of Swamiji and the sadhana.

I knew that the ego was going to be completely freaked out as this is the path to its demise, so I expected some level of push back. But with the blessings of our beloved Guru and closest friend, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, I prevailed!

Now all I need to do is continue to try each day to expand my sadhana and my heart. Each time I do this long asana sadhana it will become easier and more natural.

What I experienced at the beginning was that when I knew our goal for the day was to sit for eight hours, I couldn’t help but surrender into it, and it was easier to dive deeper into the pranayama and the mantras.

However, the ego did try to play all kinds of tricks, but all I knew was that I was NOT going to move my knees. It was pretty amazing!

I am so unbelievably grateful and feel so blessed to have been offered that experience and I can’t wait for the next opportunity to do it again!

Thank you Shree Maa & Swamiji!

I felt this good after only one eight hour asana session; I can only imagine what it feels like to do it for nine days in a row! I await that opportunity.

Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!

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