Devi Mandir

Group Sankalpa Affirmations

Claire H, UK
This is my first sankalpa and I have found it a real joy! Shree Maa’s blessings and everyone’s participation gives a beautiful quality to the sankalpa. I have sensed the practice more strongly when there is more going on in everyday life as I do a round when I sit with my son during his tele time and I feel it blesses both of us!

Daniel K, USA
I find that sankalpas help our shared goals and we can be co-creators of making beautiful and useful activities happen.

Devananda, USA
I have found the mantra to be very powerful. With just a few repetitions of the mantra, I enter a space where I hear this subtle tone of separation and reintegration with each mantra, expansion and contraction. Beautiful! Maa’s sankalpas always bring me to such wonderful new places.

Dirk G, Belgium
I chant for the purification of my mind/body and for developing a greater link with the Divine Mother and in doing so, helping to create harmony and sattva in my environment.

Divya J, India
I cherish my participation in the group Sankalpa because it is from Shree Maa and it feels like a beautiful invitation to commune with the Divine mother. Usually, when I pray, I find myself going to the divine mother with a long list of desires in the heart of my hearts;it is rarely “nishkam” worship, but when I chant for the group sankalpa, I find that I my mind is more stable. It feels like the grace of Maa makes me connect with God more.

Henny, Netherlands
Thinking about what keeps me going when the going gets rough, and what gets me up when I am down, it is this understanding: You have called, Maa,and I will answer. Sometimes the call comes soft and sweet, sometimes not so soft and not so sweet, and sometimes She gives me a good kick in the you know what, but She is not to be ignored. I know that justfollowing the call will take me into the Heart of the Universe, so I answer to the best of my ability. Sometimes soft and sweet, sometimes not so soft and not so sweet, and sometimes…But always, my answer teaches me something and I hear Her calling me to go on, to go further. To me, sadhana is about answering Mother’s call.

Indra E, Trinidad & Tobago
My reason for doing sadhana is to find that inner peace I so long for. I am happiest when I am in the company of blessed souls, and this is what has drawn me to your site. In my life I have so many issues to deal with, and when I am in the company of the Divine, by chanting or immersing myself in the Glory of the Divine Mother, I am so at peace.It is my wish to join with you all not just in this, but future sankalpas..

Julia D, USA
Why do I partipate in group sankalpa ? It is to give peace to all, and the gift to give & receive. It makes me stay connected with Maa, Swamiji and everyone.

Krista M,USA
I tell myself, “I have to keep my priorities straight”. God is the most important thing in my life because God is my life. Making sadhana a priority in my life is one of the ways I show God how much I love Him. As far as participating in group sankalpas, there’s always the hope that Shree Maa and Swamiji will look at my count and be proud of me.=)
Paramahansa Yogananda tell us why we should be motivated to do sadhana: “To coax God to give Himself takes steady, unceasing zeal. Nobody can teach you that zeal. You have to develop that yourself. When you have an immense thirst for the Divine, when you will not give undue importance to anything else – the tests of the world or the tests of the body – then He will come.”

Laura, USA
I chant because I need the beauty of the Mother.

Leela, USA
I do sadhana to confirm and recognise the ever present blaze of beneficial energy that is the basis of each of us. In practicing with you, I connect with our heart-shine, the primordial transmission of love-power and wisdom-potency!

Morningsong, USA
At some point during the years I have been doing these group sankalpas they became a truer expression of my reality. Sadhana is no longer something extra that I do, but is the foundation from which the rest of my life revolves. It doesn’t matter what I do or don’t do during the rest of the day because the first thing I do every morning, and the last thing I do every evening, is to chant. I pray that the continuity of my sadhana will lead me through all that occurs in this world of maya and moha.

Nanda, USA
I have seen the benefits of sadhana in my own life and experience, but sometimes it is hard to set aside time for a dedicated practice. Doing it with the global family just takes it up a notch and makes me accountable. Besides, even if my own contributions are meager, I know that I am a part of a greater cause and am happy to have played a role in Her divine plan. Just like the squirrel that rubbed sand all over itself and then deposited it on Rama’s bridge as its contribution to the Lord’s work, I am happy to be a squirrel for Maa’s Sankalpa and do according to my capacity. May She increase that capacity.

Sally P, USA
I care about the children of this Earth. When Mother asks us to pray for peace, I do it for the children everywhere who have no peace. This isn’t about me or my troubles (which trust me, are not insignificant). But mine are nothing in comparison to those facing war, hunger, and homelessness. If one mala offered to God brings peace on this Earth for all children, then we have done our job.

Sami, France
Why do I perform it : it’s both an offering to the Universe and an opportuniy, should I say a present, to unite with the Universal Mother principle. As the offerings of love and attention is poured into the fire of the sankalpa, Mother comes from within.
Why a group sankalpa ? 1 + 1 = 10. A group moves mountains. I feel I give inspiration to the group when I am inspired. I feel the group inspire me when I don’t feel so much inspired, or tired. When each person gives, even just a little, then each adds light and a door opens to the higher realms. Everyone receive blessings, healings and a deep progress in one discipline.
I performed a discipline alone and it granted results. I performed the same discipline in a group sankalpa and the results were much more deep, powerful and transformative.

Sanatani U, USA
I find myself looking forward to chanting the mantra every day, as it is so very powerful and I find it very easy for the Love and Peace to Overflow from my Heart and out into the World. I visualize that Love and Power as Rays of Beautiful Light that surround the entire planet and all Beings residing here to be filled with those Sweet Vibrations!

Shalini L, USA
Because the Sankalpa is given to us by our Beloved Shree Maa and since I trust that “MOTHER knows Best” then I “JUST DO IT” (sorry Nike)!
With each Sankalpa our experience gratefully affirms the decision to participate and then we get delightfully “hooked” so we go back and ask Her: “Please Maa, can we have some more ( sankalpas)”?

Shanta S, Canada
Why did I choose to be part of this group sankalpa ? Words are not enough to express what it feels to participate in a Sankalpa with other like minds people. The mantra gets more powerful because of our collective chanting and adds a certain dynamism to our sankalpa.

Sue T, UK
I’m enjoying this sankalpa. It feels good to contribute to a collective effort.I also really like the concentration and energy that it brings.

Vikash Kumar,India
Being Human we are not devoid of earthly desires. My faith in Hinduism grows with the belief that the Almighty will help me conquer the issues I am facing in relationships, love & affection. I read that the sounds of specific mantras generate positive energy and induces good effects in surroundings. Doing so collectively will create a network of positive energy centres around the world, synergically enhancing the effects of positive vibes.

Yukiteru H, USA
I do Sadhana because it inspires me and feels great! Even the external murtis and my puja items and space makes me happy. Chanting the vibrations are so calming and balancing. The understanding of what I am doing brings clearity to my perception and so less confusion. Group Sankalpas feels great to know we are in the company of other fellow practitioners and with it a comfort. I am happy that I am amongst all of you.

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