Devi Mandir

Left Leg Lunge

The Pose

yoga-4-left-leg-lunge-3Keeping the hips facing forward, step the right leg back and lower the torso towards the left thigh. This should be a deep lunge posture, and often the torso will be touching the thigh of the leg in front. The hands can be planted on the floor to the left and right of the leg, the head looks up slightly.

The legs and torso are engaged in such a way that the whole body is lifted up, rather than sinking down and just resting its weight on the legs.

Effects and Benefits

Physical – Stretches and strengthens the leg and groin area. When the torso is engaged properly, it can also help strengthen the abdominal muscles. One leg pressing into the chest in this posture also helps to massage the digestive tract and keep it healthy.

Spiritual – This pose helps the practitioner to feel very firm and grounded. By engaging the body fully in this pose, one finds a feeling of strength that dispels all previous ideas of weakness.

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