Devi Mandir

Other Gurus of the Lineage

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa

This is an introduction to some of the many great individuals who contributed to our knowledge, understanding, and experience.

These are historical figures who we came to know in the course of our spiritual search, either personally, through direct contact, spiritually, through metaphysical contact, or through their own writings, or histories about these people.

Some, like Anandamayi Maa or J. Krishnamurti, were present in a human body, and we were privileged to have direct interaction with them. Others, like Ramakrishna or Trailinga Swami, were in such close spiritual proximity, that we have had a long term spiritual relationship. They were definitely Gurus in our Parampar, our lineage.

Still others, like Socrates and Plato, we knew only through their own writings (Plato) or writings about them (Socrates), but we felt so closely aligned with their teachings, that many of their principles are reflected in our own Philosophy.

As Ramakrishna proudly proclaimed: Jato math, tato path: So many as there are individuals, so many are the paths to God.

We want to honor each of the major influences in our lives by showing how their teachings and examples have influenced our understanding.

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