We came to recognize these principles as Dharmic Business Practices, and I always had the thought that, if we could achieve what we have achieved with God’s Grace, with no capital, with no salaries, with no payments, merely by motivating volunteers to work with us in donating their time, their knowledge, their energy, and efforts, what would happen if we were to harness that energy and inspiration and apply it towards a for-profit entity?
Hence, I set out to document some of the best practices which we have employed, and to share them for posterity, so that future generations could learn how we did what we did, and could be similarly empowered to do accomplish the same things on their own.
We achieved, in Sanskrit terms, a wonderful balance of dharma, artha, kama, and moksha; living in accordance with our ideals of perfection, obtaining the material resources necessary to maintain the ideals, fulfilling all our extraneous desires, and striving in the path of liberation.
We want to discuss some of the things that helped us on our way.