Devi Mandir


Sanskrit: चण्डी, Caṇḍī
Free Simple Chandi Puja PDF

Simple Chandi Puja

The name “Chandi” is derived from the Sanskrit word “chand” which means “tear apart.”

The Goddess Chandi is described as “She Who Tears Apart Thought.”

She tears apart our thoughts that feed the ego, and thoughts that take us off of our path.

Mother Chandi is nirakara, which means “without form.”

Her bija mantra embodies the three qualities of Nature: creation, preservation, and transformation.

The Chandi Path is her story. It is also called the Durga Saptashati and the Devi Mahatmyam.

It describes how she manifests in the lives of her devotees to bring them to the inner sanctuary of true peace and happiness.

The Chandi Path is one of the most definitive texts of Divine Mother worship, and on every level, it is a commentary on the evolution of consciousness.

Benefits of Worship

When we contemplate the moments in our lives when we were the happiest, we realize that our ego was not present, and our thoughts were silenced.

Think of the moments when we watched a beautiful sunset or held a newborn baby in our arms, and think of the time in sublime union with the Divine during meditation.

In those moments our thoughts and ego were absent.

The quest, then, is to be able to find that kind of happiness for continually longer periods in the absence of other thoughts.

In the Chandi Path, Divine Mother helps us to become free from the tyranny of thoughts. By regularly reciting this scripture, Mother shows us how to maintain divine perception as Gods and Goddesses in the Garden of Bliss.

We learn how to surrender the ego, to cut through the selfishness of Self Conceit and Self Deprecation, and to find a balance between Too Much and Too Little.

By daily chanting the verses, we offer to Mother all of our troubles, our afflictions, and all manner of our thoughts – even the ego itself.

Then one by one She cuts them down and purifies them with the vibrations of Her mantras until we become the One of Intuitive Vision. We will desire the Highest Wisdom because that will break our attachment to the Ego.

Worship and Celebrations at the Devi Mandir

Every Sunday morning at the Devi Mandir, Shree Maa along with Swami Satyananda Saraswati leads the chanting of the Chandi Path. Devotees from around the world join in, either in person or via the Temple’s live webcam.

Every time the Chandi is chanted at the Devi Mandir, we welcome the presence of Divine Mother with shouts of “Chandi Maa Ki Jay!” This is said three times and means “Victory To Divine Mother.”

When Divine Mother is victorious in our hearts, and in our lives, we find that duality is eliminated, and only true love and peace remain.

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