Devi Mandir

2016 India Tour

Shree Maa and Swamiji have already arrived in India, and have already reached Uttarkashi, visited Gangotri, and have returned to the base camp in Uttarkashi to begin sadhana.

Their India Yatra offers each one of us the special opportunity to join in their adventure, and even participate in their sadhana from wherever you are – and now we have made it easier than ever through the use of modern technology…keep reading!

You can join Shree Maa and Swamiji on the live webcam from the website when they have video capability, or join in our radio broadcasts each day when we broadcast in the App itself. The radio broadcasts are a way in which we can all participate in sharing together even in low bandwidth areas. They will Tweet and email the sankalpa whenever they sit down to perform sadhana.

As always, we will be publishing a Travelogue Blog which you won’t want to miss. Learn about Shree Maa and Swamiji’s exciting adventures, browse through inspiring pictures, and contemplate their teachings. Look at all of the places they will be visiting this year:

We will be also be posting even more pictures on Facebook and other social media, and you can join in the sadhana by following us on Twitter, where we will publish the sadhana real time.

Now for the good news – if you are an iPad user, you can now access the website, Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter from the newly upgraded Chandi Path and Panch Ratna Gita iPad Apps. You will be amazed at what this upgrade can do, and it is FREE!

Take these three easy steps to follow us:

Upgrade your Chandi Path and Pancha Ratna Gita iPad Apps (note: this technology is not yet available on Android).

You will notice that the front page of the App will show the latest news on In fact, everything that you can do on from a computer, can now be done in the App itself!

Look at what you can now do on the upgraded Apps:

  • Keep up to date on our travels through the Travelogue blog
  • Retrieve Panchanga information for your daily sadhana
  • Watch us on the live webcam and join us in chanting and singing, and listen to discourses
  • View all of our classes and photos
  • Listen to Shree Maa sing
  • Access Social Media – Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter

This is truly remarkable technology that moves us closer and closer to a global satsangha!

Set-up a personal Twitter account and search for the Devi Mandir, Napa California. Another option is to view our Twitter feed in the App itself.

Twitter will be our main communication vehicle to inform you of the time of our sadhana and what we will be chanting. You can join us on the live webcam from the website or watch us on the App itself.

The final step is to let us know if you want to receive emails from us while we are on tour. For those who want to keep notified of our whereabouts and join-in on the sadhana, please send us an email at Just say “I Am In” and we will do the rest.

We will put you on our mailing list and let you know where we are, the sadhana we are doing, and the thithi according to the Indian Panchanga. Of course, you can also join on Twitter and access the same information from within our Apps or in your personal account.

We are excited about our new capabilities and encourage you to take the opportunity to join us in sadhana as much as your time permits.

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