Devi Mandir

"A little burn is no reason to break one’s asana or sadhana…"


Week 6 of the Sankalpa has completed. Some of us are trying to keep up with this sankalpa AND balance a sadhana for Shivaratri AND with the demands that life puts in our way to test our sincerity and resolve in this sadhana!

Shivaratri – reminds me of a Swamiji story. Swamiji had gotten badly scorched at a fire ceremony several years ago, one that he never fully healed from. This Shivaratri, during the chanting of a text, he got more blisters on the same spot that he had been scorched, but to paraphrase his own inimitable words “a little burn is no reason to break one’s asana or sadhana”

May we all derive the inspiration from Swamiji’s sadhana to keep at our tapasya this year . May our minds be filled with that firm determination of Shiva, the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness.

Here is a photo taken at the Dharamshala at the Mandir, in early Jan 2007 – with our friends from New Jersey, learning to pronounce the mantra for this sankalpa. Guess who is who ?

As of Feb 18 2007, here are totals of those of us that prefer to do the sankalpa at the fire

Number of Mantras
Michael 12960
Janitri 4084
Total 17,044

and below are the counts for those of us that do the sadhana without a fire

Number of Mantras
Babu 1296
Bharata 32000
Bharati 8640
Brendan 2150
Carie 618
Chocatane 13068
Chris K 11448
Chris W 12120
Debi 36828
Donna 15690
Durga 4752
Egyirba 6048
Eric 32508
Gauri 5832
Georgiann 4117
Henny 17496
Janitri 7584
Jayadeva 13824
Julia 10860
Kalachandra 9072
Kaliananda 11988
Kamalaji 9770
Kanda 12960
Karen 14000
Kathy 11044
Marsha 7884
Maruthi 23000
Mausumi 11880
Michael 7884
Michele 4218
Morningsong 15120
Muktimaa 9936
Nirmalananda 9300
Nanda 10115
Papia 11880
Parvati 6480
Patty 13365
Prasana 9568
Prathibha 10617
Raghu 15444
Rebeca 8100
Rick Veda 43740
Robin 9900
Rolf 10800
Rukmani 6048
Sadhu Maa 7668
Shubal 7884
Sitara 1124
Sundari 11340
Shankari 6048
Surya 73224
Susan 11664
Usha 32724
Vasantha 21000
Wendel 10200
Wendy 17712
Vinay 2160
Visveshwar 31512
Yogini 35640
Total 820,892



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