Devi Mandir

Annapurna Puja

At the Devi Mandir, Navaratri (the Nine Nights of Worship of Divine Mother) is celebrated four times a year — in fall, winter, spring and summer. Every Navaratri, devotees dedicate nine full days in worship of the Divine Mother through chanting, participating in homas (sacred fire ceremonies), performing pūjā, and sometimes fasting.

At the culmination of the eighth day of Navaratri, Swami Satyananda Saraswati performs the Annapūrṇā Pūjā and leads the chanting of the Annapūrṇā Sahasranāma (the Thousand Names of Annapurna).

Devotees offer several delicacies to Mother Annapūrṇā, such as kitchuri, labra, fried eggplant, rice pudding, chutney, sweets, and papadams. They pray for Annapūrṇā’s blessings of wisdom, renunciation, and completeness.

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