Devi Mandir

Annapurna Sahasranama Class

Divine Mother Annapurna is the Goddess who grants nourishment on every level. In Sanskrit, “anna” means food and grains, and “purna” means full, complete, and perfect. Annapurna is therefore the Goddess Who is Full, Complete, and Perfect in Food and Grains.

Annapurna Devi is the Goddess who inspires us to nourish others and to give our best. We worship Her for the attainment of perfection in wisdom and renunciation. Her Wisdom teaches us that spirituality is about giving more than taking.

This beautifully detailed text translated by Swami Satyananda Saraswati teaches us how to develop the quality of mental and spiritual equanimity in all circumstance of life. This video series is based on the 1000 Names of Annapurna, or Annapurna Sahasranama. Also included is the famous Annapurna Stotram, by Adi Sankaracarya.

Annapurna Puja Video Class 1

Meditation and Application

In this video class Annapurna Devi’s meditation is discussed along with all the ceremonial offerings to please the Goddess during recitation of her worship. The video class also includes the purification mantras of the rudraksha malas in detail. The mantras are first chanted in Sanskrit and then they are translated into English.

Annapurna Puja Video Class 2

Names 1 to 95

This class begins the recitation of the Goddess Annapurna’s 1000 names. First the viniyoga is discussed, telling us what we are chanting, what the rhythm is, and what the attainments would be from the one pointed recitation. In the video class the mantras of the first 95 names will be chanted in Sanskrit and then beautifully explained in English.

Annapurna Puja Video Class 3

Names 96 to 299

Swamiji continues from Annapurna Devi’s 96th name. Annapurna’s names are a way for us to find renunciation, which grants us equanimity in every aspect of our lives. The continued recitation of Annapurna’s names allows us to be freed from attachment to selfish thoughts and actions. After the recitation of the mantras in Sanskrit they are translated.

Annapurna Puja Video Class 4

Names 300 to 449

This video class continues from Goddess Annapurna’s 300th name. The Sanskrit mantras from the Annapurna Sahasranam are translated into English.

Annapurna Puja Video Class 5

Names 450 to 599

This video starts with the 450th name of the Goddess Annapurna.
Not only does the recitation of Goddess Annapurna’s name guide us into constant meditation, but we can also take that state and weave it into any action or duty we are performing in our lives. In the video class, the worship of Mother Annapurna shows us how to make our whole lives divine and to be in constant remembrance of her greatness.

Annapurna Puja Video Class 6

Names 600 to 749

This class begins with Annapurna Devi’s 600th name. In the video class the sacred mantras are first chanted in Sanskrit and then translated into English.

Annapurna Puja Video Class 7

Names 750 to 899

This video class continues at the 750th name of Annapurna. She gives us these names to remember our own true nature. In the video class the mantras serve as a conduit to take us across the turbulent mind and deliver us to her, who resides inside the cave of our hearts.

Annapurna Puja Video Class 8

Names 900 to 1000

This video class continues from the 900th name of Annapurna and proceeds to the Annapurna Stotram. The Annapurna Stotram is a beautiful exposition describing Annapurna’s appearance, apparel, and residence, as the refrain says, “Oh Supreme Goddess of Kasi, be gracious without delay and grant me alms, Supreme Goddess Annapurna.” The mantras are chanted in Sanskrit and then beautifully translated into English.

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