Devi Mandir

Astrology Chapter 4: The Wisdom of the Great Energy

What are the characteristics of an individual who is no longer impacted by the planets?

Shree-Maa-Swamiji300x225Those who can move with the great energy of the universe and accomplish extraordinary things, are no longer impacted by the planets. They serve as a Mother or a Father to all of humanity. They have the ability to unite the fruits of their karma and to accomplish great feats, while never moving away from the characteristics of greatness.

With the help of the Jyotish Scriptures, we understand that much of their greatness is written in their charts, on their foreheads, and also in the lines in the palm of their hands. These lines can be read, and through proper application, one can get an intuitive understanding of the nature of the individual, as well as see much of the past, present, and future.

This scriptural understanding is helpful, as it allows us to see our path forward from an intuitive perspective, and affords us the opportunity to move with conviction. Then, as we walk on our journey through life, we can be in harmony with the great energy of the universe.

The Wisdom of the Great Energy

There is so much wisdom in the principles of this great energy. Energy manifests everywhere. Mother Earth is a manifestation of energy. Nature is also a manifestation of energy.

However, more so than anything else, the Sun illuminates this great energy.

There is a distinction between the Sun, itself, and its rays. The light ray is a part of the Sun, but not the totality of the Sun.

When a piece of glass is used to focus this light onto a piece of paper, that focused light will make the paper catch on fire. This is because the particles contained in the light ray also reside in the fire.

Within each particle of light, the great energy of the universe exists, though it is hidden.

As manifested beings, we also reflect the illumination of the Sun and its light rays. Therefore, the great energy also resides in all living beings. But, just as the light ray hides the great energy, so too, our human bodies hide the great energy.

One can easily conclude, without a doubt, that this great energy is everywhere, though often it is hidden!

Another principle of the great energy is that it is never destroyed, but rather, it is transformed. For example, our human bodies are a field of energy and, even when the body is destroyed, the energy is not destroyed. It is transformed into other aspects of life.

Deeply intuit this principle and you will better understand the wisdom that is inherent in all of nature.

Does the great energy exist in the night, when there is no light, and when the Sun is hidden from the naked eye? What can nature teach us about the great energy in the evening time?

Step outside on an evening with no clouds and look up into the heavens. In the deepest darkness of the night, we perceive the perfect emptiness of space, with hundreds of thousands of lights in the form of stars radiantly blinking in a great-semi circle.

The name of this semi-circle is the “Circle of the Heavens” or the “Circle of Divine Light.” When we look closely, we notice the circle of lights are blinking and, though these great jewels of the heavens are extremely far from us, they appear very close!

We see those dots of light as extremely radiant. They are of different sizes — some are large and some small, but none of them are completely still. The stars also have various colors. Some have a yellowish hue, while others reflect red. Some are of bluish color, and others are pure white, like snow.

One may think that these beautiful floating gems have their own internal light, but, in actuality, they are illuminated by the light of the Sun! Yet, they too contain the great energy!

Imagine how beautiful nature would be if we silently experienced its great expressions of energy. How peaceful it would feel if we witnessed nature’s transformations with understanding rather than with fear!

Becoming aware of nature helps us to understand the Sun’s power and impact on all of life. For it is the great energy source of all there is.

With this wisdom, we can easily understand why the placement of the Sun in a person’s astrology chart is a major contributor to that individual’s virtues and characteristics.

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