Swamiji says “In the same way as if you invest $200 a month, you will retire as a millionaire, if you memorize two mantras a week, in one year you will know more than a hundred mantras, more than most Brahmins! In less than seven years, you will have the entire Chandi Path memorized!”
Sometimes our mind makes up excuses, such as “I don’t have the time” – or – “I am too old (or young)” – or – “I don’t have the resources.” How often do you hear your mind express uninspiring thoughts? These thoughts are obstacles that we need to overcome to achieve our dreams.
When you are faced with negative thoughts, always remember Swamiji’s words – It is never too late, take it one step at a time, and go forward.
Thank you for your encouragement Swamiji!
Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!