Devi Mandir

How Sankalpa plays a major role on festivity?

Question:- When we are doing a Sahasra Chandi or other lengthly anusthans, how important are holidays like Ekadashi, Maha Shivaratri or even Navaratri? Should we give all the importance to the Sankalpa and not mind about these holidays?


First, let me tell you what is Sankalpa?

Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind or determination to perform any ritual, declaration of purpose. Over the course of a Sahasra Chandi or other lengthy ceremony, other festival holidays like Ekadashi, Maha Shivaratri, or even Navaratri become extremely significant.

They are the opportunity for us to expand our capacity and to give even more of ourselves to our spiritual discipline.

We must give all the importance to the Sankalpa, doing everything we said we would, and thereafter we should pay attention to all the observances we can for each of the special festivals that come during the Hindu calendar.
That gives us the opportunity to love all the beings of heaven and earth with equal intensity.
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