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element.She is beautiful, as there is no other vision to compare with the divinity of existence.
She is playful, because everything that is perceivable is part of Her play, the manifestation of divine drama upon the stage of consciousness.
She is beloved, because all other love has an element of selfish attachment, but for the Love of God, which is pure Love.
The Lalita Trishati Stotram is the powerful 300 names of the Playful Divine Mother.
In this class, Swamiji teaches the sanskrit, the meaning of the names of the Goddess, and the special mode of pronunciation.
Join us for class and awaken within you Devi’s special bhava!
Get your copy of the Lalita Trishati, which is in the book The Guru and the Goddess, or download the iPad App
Jai Maa!
Listen to Swamiji chant the Lalita Trishati: WhatsApp Audio 2020-07-08 at 1.08.20 PM
Lalita Trishati: Class 1
Introduction: Sri Vidya and Lalita Devi
This is the first class in the Lalita Trishati series. In this class, Swamiji talks about the Divine Mother, Sri Vidya, Lalita Devi and other topics. He reads the preliminary conversations between Agastya and Sri Hayagriva, which gave rise to the 300 names of the Divine Mother Lalita.
Lalita Trishati: Class 2
Nyasa, Puja and Beginning of 300 Names
This is the second class on the Lalita Trishati. In this class Swamiji explains the preliminary worship done before chanting the 300 names, such as the Nyasa, Offerings of Five Articles of Worship and the Kadi Mantra of Sri Vidya. After the prelimnary worship Swamiji begins the explanation of the names.
Lalita Trishati: Class 3
Continuation of the 300 Names
This is the third class on the Lalita Trishati. In this class, Swamiji explains the remaining of the 300 names of the Divine Mother Lalita. He also answers many question in relation to the specific meaning of certain names.
Lalita Trishati: Class 4
Recitation of Fruits
This is the fourth class on the Lalita Trishati. Swamiji explains the Uttarabhagah, which is the closing conversation and epilogue about the 300 names between Hayagriva and Agastya. Swamiji explains many points in relation to the various forms of Sri Vidya and the relationship of Shiva and Shakti.
Lalita Trishati: Class 5
Complete Sanskrit Recitation and Q&A
In this class, Shree Maa and Swamiji chant the Lalita Trishati from beginning to end. Afterwards Swamiji answers question from devotees related to Lalita and her 300 names.