Devi Mandir

Continuing Education Credit

Continuing Education Credit in Yoga Philosophy

The Devi Mandir is now offering certificates for continuing education (CE) credit in yoga philosophy.

Our online classes present a wonderful opportunity to learn the philosophy and practice of yoga directly from Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati, renowned and much revered masters who teach based on their personal realization and direct experience of the highest divinity. Both Shree Maa and Swamiji are Experienced Registered Yoga Teachers with several thousand hours of actual practice, registered as (E-RYT) at the highest permissible 500-hour level with the Yoga Alliance, and hold honorary membership as Advisors of World Yoga Council of the International Yoga Federation.

Devi Mandir is also affiliated with the:

Sanatan Dharma Society, Howrah, West Bengal
Sanatan Dharma Society, Gauhati, Assam
Devaloka Ashram, Rishikesh, UA
Nagar Basi Kunja, Vrindaban, UP

Our studies in Yoga Philosophy can benefit:

Yoga Professionals seeking continuing education credits and certification
Scholars and Students in Hinduism seeking to expand their understanding and enhance their resumes
Spiritual Aspirants who can use the discipline and interaction of a class to master scriptures and lead spiritual lives
Therapists using Yoga as a medium
Transpersonal Psychologists
Students of Philosophy, Theology, Comparative Religions, Physical Anthropology, and many other applicable subjects

Our classes touch upon subtle aspects of yoga philosophy through the study of ancient scriptures and Sanskrit mantras and combine these in an extremely practical way for modern lifestyles. Participants can choose from a wide range of classes and each class comes with a rich question-and-answer database.

Audio Classes

Video Classes

To receive CE credits, listen to or watch any of our series of online classes and then submit the appropriate forms. After review of your materials, you will be eligible to receive by return mail a certificate of completion for contact hours.

At this time there is no charge for this service. However, donations to offset expenses are always welcome.

If you have questions about our online studies program or the CE credit certificates, please go to the Contact Us page and put Continuing Education in the subject field.

If you would like to apply to obtain CE credit, download the form below, listen, watch, or participate in a class of your choice, and mail us the completed form:

CE Form

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