Devi Mandir

Devi Gita

Devi Gita, by Swami Satyananda Saraswati


The Devi Gita comes from the last ten chapters of the seventh skanda of the Devi Bhagavatam and presents the magnificent dialogue between Himalaya and the Divine Mother, when She declared that She would take birth in his house as the Goddess Parvati. Himalaya asked, “How shall I act when I become the father of the Divine Mother? What will be my attitudes toward life? What will be my spiritual discipline? How can I remember Your divinity all the time?” This book presents a trove of information including a list of the places of pilgrimage in honor of the Goddess, directions for how to sit, how to breathe, and how to please the Divine Mother through acts of devotion.  This book is presented with the original Sanskrit, the Roman phonetic transliteration and the exquisite English translation.

About the Author

Swami Satyananda Saraswati is considered to be one of the foremost Vedic scholars and Sanskrit translators in the West. He is the author of nearly 60 books in nine different languages representing a significant contribution to the understanding of Hinduism and Vedic religious practices.

Swamiji comes from the Dashnami lineage of Adi Shankaracharya, and belongs to the Saraswati tribe of renunciates and scholars who are living the life of a teacher and a knower of wisdom, worshiping with both spiritual knowledge and devotion. His Guru, Swami Amritananda Saraswati, initiated him into the Vedic Knowledge, Sanskrit, and the Chandi Path and sacred fire ceremony as his primary system of spiritual discipline in 1971.

He practiced the recitation of the Chandi Path in the Himalayan snow and in the hot springs of Bakreswar. Through this rigorous penance, he became impervious to the influences of heat and cold. Through his experiences walking the length and breadth of the Himalayas over 15 years, Swamiji fell in love with Sanskrit and became proficient in numerous languages including Bengali and Hindi. Wherever he went he would learn the local systems of worship and inspire those around him to participate. Swamiji’s expertise and experience spans many different religious traditions. His realizations and teachings make him a living example of Ramakrishna’s Gospel, “as many as there are individuals, so many are the paths to God”.

In 1979, Swamiji met Shree Maa when he was performing a vow of worship in a small temple in the interior of West Bengal. They toured India, spreading their divine love and inspiration by performing pujas, homas, and sharing their realizations, and teaching their methods of spiritual practice. In 1984 they came to America and established the Devi Mandir, where he and Shree Maa shine their beacon of light from Napa, California. Today, they share all their resources to give every individual an opportunity to access these spiritual teachings.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 271 pages
  • Publisher: Devi Mandir Publications (January 2003)
  • ISBN-10: 1877795569
  • ISBN-13: 978-1877795565
  • Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.4 x 0.8 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 12 ounces

Book Reviews of Devi Gita

By Dr. Jan B. Newman (Clinton, Mt. United States)

This is an excellant rendering of the Devi Gita with the original Sanskrit(Devanagari)and English transliteration and translation.
It is often difficult to translate Sanskrit into English due to the multilevel language that it is. Swami Satyananada Saraswati has done an excellant job of conveying the rasa of the Sanskrit.

I always wondered what the meaning was of all the instruments the Goddesses carry were and here they are in this Gita. This is a translation and not a commentary, but with the clarity of the translation a commentary is not needed.

I would recommend reading the English translation first, then move on to the Sanskrit to get the sense of great poetry and rhythm of this work.

Chandi herself will blight the asura of “too much” who is charging $45.70 for this book.

By Muktimaa

The Devi Gita means “The Song of the Divine Mother Goddess” and truly it is! This scripture sings so sweetly to my heart, and of all the translations i have read, none even come close to this translation by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. It evokes devotional bhava within me, and as i chant it, each word is a nectarous mantra that tastes so sweet on the tongue. i can feel my heart opening like a blossoming lotus hungry for the morning sunlight.
Through this translation i hear the voice of the Goddess singing me out of worldliness and into Her Divine Realm of Cosmic Awareness.
In this scripture, She gently teaches us how to worship Her Deity form and then guides us into meditation upon the Cosmic Divinity beyond all Forms and Names…beyond all knowledge and words.

The deeper we fall in love with our Divine Mother, the more we find we want to learn about Her; finding new ways to worship and praise Her until we dissolve in the True Union of Divine Awareness.

Swamiji Satyananda Saraswati’s whole life is worship, and sharing his love of the Goddess with all the sentient beings who are perceptive enough to receive these precious teachings.
All the books Swamiji has written and translated are a priceless treasure trove of spiritual tools that will continue uplifting and guiding sincere devotees for immeasurable years to come.
If you want to really experience the joys of worship, read and practice the teachings that are found within any of Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s books. Jai Maa! Blessings!

By Susan Jacoby, Illinois

While translations of Bhagavad Gita abound, it is hard to find translations of Devi Gita it is impossible to find any that are as clear and concise as the one by Swami Satyananda. I strongly recommend this book to all children of Divine Mother.

By Beth Carmen, Boston

I am studying this book with my students and we all love it!!! The beauty and poetry of Sanskrit and the skill of the translator have made studying this book a wonderful learning experience.

By Ramesh Bhatnagar, Patna

A great translation of a very important scripture!

By Rajesh Upadhyaya, Ahmedabad

What Krishna told Arjuna, Divine Mother is teaching Her own Father and we the readers are all the beneficiaries. What a great book to read and chant!

By Robert Young, Georgia

This is the first time I chanted the Devi Gita and I am amazed at how complete it is. All different aspects of spirituality come together at a very practical level for example, the book covers topics ranging from how to sit in asana to the yamas and niyamas. I am looking forward to many hours of deeper study.

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