Devi Mandir

Five Steps to an Outstanding New Year

Follow these five simple steps and turn yourself into a dynamo in 2015!

1. Usher in the New Year with Shree Maa and Swamiji

Start the year right by destroying your negative tendencies and replacing them with Divine Love. Join the Devi Mandir family for a two day New Year’s Celebration that will surely transform your life!

2. Update your Sankalpa

Make a commitment to increase your daily spiritual practice. Learn new mantras, purify your surroundings and remove difficulties with the Aparajita Stotram, or keep your body fit through Shree Maa’s Yoga routine.

3. Put Together a Plan

With clarity and understanding, identify and write down exactly what you want to accomplish in 2015. Review Swamiji’s Goal Setting Workshop and recharge every area of your life.

4. Practice a Path to Self Realization

Sri Ramakrishna, the Parama Guru of our lineage, proclaimed, “Jatho Math, Tatho Path.” This means that, as many as there are individuals proceeding, so many are the paths to God. Swamiji has provided several such Paths to Attain God – study them, select a path, and begin your practice!

5. Be Patient

Be patient with life and its results. Work hard toward your goals, but realize that some of your objectives will not happen overnight. Apply Swamiji’s wisdom on how to Stick to Your Goals in the New Year, especially when obstacles arise.

Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!

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