Devi Mandir

Happy Yoga Day

yoga, i unite
my body with my mind
stand straight like a palm tree
bend down like a mountain
curl like a tiger
face downward like a dog
my mind says, my body obeys

annamaya kosha, manomaya kosha
gross body, subtle body

yoga, i unite
my mind with my breath
breathing in, i observe the incoming air
breathing out, i let it go into the world
breathing in, i calm my mind
breathing out, i smile
my breath relaxes, my mind unwinds

manomaya kosha, pranamaya kosha
subtle body, breath body

yoga, i unite
my breath with wisdom
a deep breath in, a dive into silence
a deep breath out, a glimmer of insight
a deep breath in, a drop of pure love
a deep breath out, streaming white light

pranamaya kosha, vigyanamaya kosha
breath body, body of wisdom & light

yoga, i unite
deep wisdom in pure bliss
light and understanding
dissolve in eternal bliss
yoga, the ultimate union
the goal of human life

vigyanamaya kosha, ananadamaya kosha
body of wisdom & light, body of pure bliss

In Sanathana Dharma (Hinduism) yoga is the union between our little selves and the entire universe. How do we do it? Step by step.

We move from the gross body to the subtle body (mind).

We use the breath (breath body) to still the mind and in this mind, wisdom and insight appear (body of wisdom and light).

This wisdom is the doorway to ultimate union – pure bliss.

Happy Yoga Day! May we all move forward towards that perfection of love with the entire universe.

My heartfelt gratitude to all yoga practitioners for preserving, holding and sharing this sacred tradition. I bow to you.

Thanks for reading!

~Krishnapriya Gopi

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