Devi Mandir


Converting to Hinduism


What is the process for conversion to Hinduism?

Swamiji Says:

Eliminate all conflict from your life, always engage in truthful and pure behavior; love wisdom, respect all teachers, and regularly practice some form of devotional meditation.

Hinduism as a Global Culture


What part are you and Shree Maa playing in the process of Hinduism becoming a global culture? Is the Eternal Way the same as Hinduism? Is that not a Western word? Finally, what part are we playing here in this Devi Mandir forum, in this larger perspective?

Swamiji Says:

We are extremely active in the transformation of Hinduism to a global culture. We are translating, explaining, demonstrating, exemplifying, and living the ideals of the Eternal Way or the ideals of perfection, which are various explanations of dharma. The forum is an extremely important part of communicating those ideals to others, coming up with new questions, new circumstances, new applications, new definitions, new expressions and updating the language so that it evolves and maintains its relevancy.



Why are cows sacred in Sanatana Dharma?

Swamiji Says:

Shree Maa explains that in Sanskrit the word for cow is “Go,” which is the same root as in “Govinda” and “Gauri”. “Go” can mean either cow or a ray of light. So Govinda is one who is one-pointed light (not one-pointed cow) and Gauri is She who is rays of light. Gopala is He who is the protector of light. Light was always the wealth of Rishis (ancient seers) and light is wisdom.Cows are sacred as light is sacred; wisdom is sacred. Everything the cow gives is nourishing and she is the progenitor of pure nourishment. Her word is synonymous with light – the light of wisdom which is the wealth of the Gods and pure nourishment of the rishis.

Caste System


As a westerner, it is hard for me to make sense of the caste system in India. Swamiji, can you please explain?

Swamiji Says:

Every organism requires four kinds of functions: (a) An intelligence system, (b) a defense system, (c) a circulatory system and (d) someone to bring nutrition and take refuse away. We have all this in our body and every body, every organism requires all four to maintain its existence.Sociey is also an organism: it grows and functions in the same way. These are four natures are inherent to all of existence. Although every being performs all four functions, in all societies, we see some individuals perform roles which have a preponderance of one function over the others. There was never a caste system in India where it was fixed by law that an individual had to necessarily perform one of the functions. There was no force or compulsion. Rather, in later times it became a tradition of convenience to follow the family profession, just as in the European Guilds.There is a famous story of Satyakaam and Gautam Rishi which illustrates the ancient ideal. Satyakaam knew only his mother (Jabali) and all his mother knew knew about his father was that he was a soldier in the army, who camped outside her village for one night. Satyakaam went to study with Rishi Gautam. He said, “I want to study the Vedas.” When asked about his parentage, Satykaam said, “I am Satyakaam, son of Jabali.” Gautam Rishi said, “Only a Brahmin has the power to speak the truth. You can study with me.” It is easy to observe divisions or groups in all societies, but that does not make it a system.

Being a Hindu in the West


For the practical purpose of representing oneself to the world, here in the West, would one say “I am a Hindu” or is there another word that is better, related to Sanatana, or other aspects of your way?

Swamiji Says:

I am a Human Being should be sufficient. I don’t see any need or value to separate ourselves or distinguish ourselves from the rest of humanity.

Purity in Splendor


How is it that as Hindus, we can have so much splendor in our devotions, with such great detail and variety, yet simultaneously be moving closer to an inner unity and purpose? It seems like such a wonder!

Swamiji Says:

All of life is a wonder! The Devotion is One, the recipients of our devotion are many.

Banyan Tree


I have bought a banyan fig tree (ficus retusa) for my house. Many people have told me its bad luck to keep inside the house and that ghosts and spirits are always attached to the tree. I just wanted your opinion on what should I do?

Swamiji Says:

I lived under banyan trees for many years, and never had a problem. I also never met other people who had this kind of problem.I think this is a kind of superstition which is optional to observe.

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