Devi Mandir

What if a person’s bad karma prevents them from even making a start on ascetic practice?


What if one’s prarabdh Karma doesn’t allow one to fully embrace a life
of renunciation or being or performing as a monastic or ascetic, (at
least in the short to medium term) of their life due to fulfillment of
their karmic lessons and patterns.

How does one still continue to be true to Verses in the ‘Sadhana
Pachakam’ of the Shiva Puja.


“The answers to these questions are found in this passage from the Bhagavad Gita”:

I agree that union is impossible of attainment by a soul who has no self-control. But it is possible for the self-controlled soul who strives to attain it by proper means.

Clarity of Pure Devotion said:

If one has faith, yet cannot control his mind which wanders
away from perfection in the union, what end does he meet,
oh, Doer of All?

Is it not that fallen from both paths (the path of union and the
path of devotion) without the support of either, he perishes
like a torn cloud, oh One of Mighty Arms, a seeker
of truth deluded in the path?

You ought to completely dispel my doubts, Doer of All,

for there is no other more capable to dispel them
than you.

The Respected Supreme Divinity said:

Son of She Who Excels (Arjuna), neither does he find
destruction here nor in the next world. My son, for anyone
who performs meritorious actions does not find a bad result.

Having attained to the worlds of those who performed
meritorious conduct, and having dwelt there for a season of
eternity, one fallen from the union will be born in the house of
the pure and respected.

Or he may be born in a family of wise practitioners of a union.
To attain a birth like this in this world is very difficult.

There he obtains the complete union with the intelligence of his former body, and he makes ever greater efforts to attain perfection, oh Son of Action (Arjuna).

He is verily helpless but to continue his former practice.
Even he who asks about the practice of union moves beyond
talking about God.

The man of the union who strives with great sincerity through
many births completely purify all impurities and then
reaches the highest station.

The man of the union has superior attainment to the performer of purifying austerities. Even he is thought superior to men of knowledge. Again he is superior to the performers of action. Therefore, oh Clarity of Pure Devotion, be a man of

Of all men of the union, he who worships Me with such faith
that his inner being is merged in Me, I think him to be the
most attentive.

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