Devi Mandir

Kashyapa Sutra Class, November 2006

The are 15 verses given by the great sage Kashyapa are known as the Kashyapa Sutras. They describe the concept of enlightenment and the method of its attainment.

Though the Kashyapa Sutra itself is not well known, the Rishi Kashyapa himself was one of the Sapta Rishis, the 7 Seers of Divine Truth or Wisdom. Legend says that Kashyapa shone so brilliantly with inner light, that his contemporaries called him a human Sun.

Rishi Kashyapa is the father of Creation, which is called Kashyapa Srishti, after him. At the beginning of Creation, Kashyapa and his wife Aditi took birth together on three occasions having won the boon of having Lord Vishnu as their son. First they took birth as Svayambhuva Manu and Satyarupa, the first human couple of exsistence. Then as King Dasharatha and Queen Kaushalya, the parents of Lord Rama; and finally as Vasudeva and Devaki the parents of Lord Krishna.

The sacred Kashyapa Sutra will appeal to all those who follow the path of jnana yoga and bhakti yoga, alike. This series of video classes goes deeply into the meaning of every word the Kashyapa Sutra. The classes offer us both the original Sanskrit verse and their translation, with practical explanation of how they apply the sacred teachings in our daily lives.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 1

Introduction: Sutra 1

This video class contains the introduction to the Kashyapa Sutra as well as the discussion of the first Sutra. This video class explains and translates the Sanskrit mantra of verse one: Birth is dependent on Prarabdha Karma. The discussion of the verse gives us an understanding of the meaning of karma and its various types, and more importantly an understanding how to mange that karma.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 2

Sutra 2

This video class discusses verse two of the Kashyapa Sutra, which says, the existence of every individual soul is bound by desires. The class explains that though all souls are bound by desires not all desire is negative, and the pure desires desires ultimately take us to the state us desirelessness. The class gives the translation and explanation of the Sanskrit verse.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 3

Sutras 3 – 4

This class discusses the 3rd and 4th verses of the Kashyapa Sutra. The 3rd verse say the ultimate aim of life is victory over death and the 4th verse says the fruit of the attempt to satisfy desire is either knowledge or ignorance. This video gives the translation of the Sanskrit verse and its meaning and application in our daily lives.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 4

Sutra 5 – 6

This video discusses the fifth and sixth verses of the Kashyapa Sutra. The fifth verse says this creation is a collection of souls who are making their personal pilgrimages by means of the laws of harmony and unity, of peace and truth and the sixth verses states that the highest attainment of existence is illumination, intuitive experience, and Self-Realization. The Sanskrit translation is given along with the practical application of this knowledge.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 5

Sutra 7 – 8

This video class discusses the seventh and eighth verses of the Kashyapa Sutra. Verse seven says that when one attains to the radiance of Maya, one attains to the attainment of all attainments and verse eight states that by cutting bondage, we attain to the eternal consciousness of Infinite Goodness (Sada Shiva). In this discussion both the translation of the Sanskrit sutra and its application in our own lives is explained.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 6

Sutra 9 – 10

The video discusses the 9th and 10th verses of the Kashyapa Sutra. The 9th verse explains that because of the conflict between wisdom and ignorance there is great confusion in the world and the 10th verse explains the true meaning of victory, to destroy pain. This video class explains the meaning of these Sanskrit verses and their translation and gives us the practical use of their knowledge.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 7

Sutra 11

This video class discusses the eleventh verse of the Kashyapa Sutra. The eleventh says that the attainment of perfection of breath or the life force gives one an abundance of peace. This video class gives an excellent description of the use of pranayama in Sanskrit chanting along with the translation and explanation of the sutra.

Kashyap Sutra Video Class 8

Sutra 12

The class discusses the twelfth verse of the Kashyapa Sutra.
Verse twelve explains that the purpose of our spiritual search is for the principle which is of the quality of perfect equilibrium and balance or beyond all qualities. The Sanskrit verse is translated and explained in English and its meaning and application is discussed in depth.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 9

Sutra 13

This video class discusses the thirteenth verse of the Kashyapa Sutra. The thirteenth verse explains that the intrinsic form of the Supreme Soul is eternal liberation. The discussion that follows gives the translation of the verse with its application in both spiritual philosophy and daily life.

Kashyap Sutra Video Class 10

Sutra 14 – 15

This video discusses the fourteenth and fifteenth verses of the Kashyapa Sutra. The fourteenth verse states that the residence of some who resides in self-realization, in perfect liberation, is advaita (non-duality) and the fifteenth verse explains that the respected Guru is the cause of all causes. This video class contains both the translation of the Sanskrit verses and the explanation of their meanings and implications in spiritual life.

Kashyapa Sutra Video Class 11

Question and Answer

The class is a series of answers to questions raised by devotees about various points brought up during the discussion of the Kashyapa Sutra as well as various question in relation to spiritual life and practice in general.

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