Devi Mandir

List of Special Offerings for Divine Mother

offerings for divine mother

This list of offerings comes from the Book Eight, Chapter Twenty-four of the Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam. It is another method by which you can enhance your puja and devotion. Jai Maa!

Every day of each month you should offer the following:

Vaishak Gur
Jyaishtha Honey
Ashar Butter & Honey
Shravan Yogurt
Bhadra Sugar
Ashwin Rice Pudding
Kartik Milk
Agrahayan Candy or Rock Sugar
Paush Cream
Magh Cow’s ghee
Phalgun Coconut
Chaitra Food prepared with 6 kinds of tastes (sweet,
sour, salty, pungent, bitter & astringent

On the following Lunar days of each fortnight make the appropriate offerings:

1 Ghee
2 Sugar
3 Milk
4 Cake or Bread
5 Banana
6 Honey
7 Molasses
8 Coconut
9 Fried or Baked Rice
10 Black Sesame
11 Yogurt
12 Flat Rice
13 Chick Peas
14 Baked Wheat or Gram Flour
15 Rice Pudding

On the following weekdays offer:

Sunday Rice Pudding
Monday Milk
Tuesday Banana
Wednesday Ghee
Thursday Sugar
Friday Rock Candy
Saturday Cow’s Ghee


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