Devi Mandir

Nitya Karma: What you should know about it!

What is Nitya karma?  what are the principle means by which it is

Does it offset or neutralize bad karma from the past?

There are four kinds of karma:

  1. Samskipta-past, over and done with, a present memory.
  2. Bartman-present, what is happening right now.
  3. Bhavishya-future, the actions begun in the past, the fruits of which will be realized in the future.
  4. Nitya-Eternal.

The Past is a present memory, the Future is a present projection. The
only reality is the Present: Be Here Now!

There are eight forms of behavior prescribed for all spiritual seekers:

As we fill our Present with Eternal Karma, there is less and less
space to consider the Past or the Future. When All we have left is
Nitya Karma, then we are totally in the here and now, totally in the
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