Devi Mandir

World Peace Sankalpa – Shravan Edition – COMPLETED

Shree Maa has just blessed us with a new group sankalpa as part of the Shravan month (Aug 7 2013 to Sep 4 2013 ) to continue our efforts in praying for world peace. She lovingly chooses these powerful mantras in order to create a specific benefit in each of our lives.

The collective effort in chanting the sankalpa at the same time as hundreds of other devotees also creates special benefits for the whole universe. Please read further below on what the participants are saying on the value of a group sankalpa

This sankalpa involves the chanting of malas of a simple mantra and contributing to the group total. Read below for more details:

Dates of the Sankalpa

Start Date: August 12th, 2013
End Date: September 4th, 2013

Goal of the Sankalpa

Our group sankalpa is to complete 10,000 malas of the mantra during this time period. So, every mala counts! Whether you want to chant one mala or a hundred malas, all are welcome to participate in this prayer for World Peace.

The Sankalpa Mantra

Chant this mantra as many malas as you can (One mala = 108 repetitions of the mantra):


The Audio Clip of the Mantra. Listen to Maa chant !

Interested in participating in the sankalpa?

This sankalpa is now complete.

What is the Value of a Group Sankalpa ?

Here is what some of our participants around the world are saying …

The Guru provides the blessings and the energy to the sankalpa.

Henny from the Netherlands, writes,” I am sure Shree Maa that infuses Her sankalpas with the inspiration to start and the power to complete, and with something extra which makes it very juicy, so the joy is not so much in the completion as in the participation. By taking the group sankalpas, I am strengthening my sankalpa muscles, learning more about what it means to take a sankalpa and how to make all my sankalpas juicy (just think of Maa!)”

The participants take inspiration from the Guru and from each other

Henny , writes, “It connects us to Maa and Swamiji and to the entire Devi Mandir Family. Even when alone in the house, I feel close to you, knowing that in Napa and in all parts of the world someone is doing the same thing.”

Morningsong from Santa Rosa, CA writes, “For me, the value of a group sankalpa is that it helps me to feel less isolated in my practice. Even though I’m not in the same physical location as the other participants, I feel as if I am still “with” them. “

Sami from France writes, ” With the help of a group, we can pass a threshold. The group has the possibility to amplify everything. Clearly the group to be efficient need to be in harmony and work together. If they all follow the direction of a Guru, aren’t we in full harmony ?” and “By working together toward Dharmic goals, we contribute to let the Kingdom come.”

Lori from Calgary, AB writes, “It feels to me like a greater purpose which I can be part of to achieve as a team. When I saw the cumulative totals on the website, plus doing the math of the overall goal of 2500 over 25 days, which is 100 malas for the whole group to accomplish daily, and I desire to do my part (in Calgary, Canada) to achieve this goal.

Nelson from WA writes, “when I know that I am doing certain sankalpa because the Guru recommends it, blesses the effort, and on top of that, there is a brotherhood of brothers and sisters coming together in the same effort, then it catapults me to a greater commitment. I may not know their faces, but I know that I am contributing towards their spiritual well-being and they to mine.

Alexandra from Quebec writes, “It helps to know you are not alone doing a meditation,…because there is also a trust commitment to others and to your goal. So if you want to be true to your words, and to the people you agreed to work with, you must keep a pace on the path you chose. That is one aspect of the power of a group. It helps to keep concentration and dedication and you know you’re not alone. “

The pure collective intention of the participants – to pray for world peace, ensures that their energies are channeled positively.

Lori writes,” As a group, it creates a positive harmonious vibration toward world peace and as it is generated together it is similar to enthusiasm, or during kirtan/bhajan with the singing and dancing. The music speeds us, people are inspired to get up and dance, and this inspires others to do so as well. By focusing on my value and goal of working with the Divine, it gives me a greater purpose beyond my individual ego, body, mind, and spirit.

The sankalpa practice invokes Divine presence and reinforces the feeling of connectedness with every being in the universe, and the participants of the sankalpa become instruments of peace.

Alexandra writes, “If you want peace to occur around you, you must first be at peace within yourself. This sankalpa is for me part of a personal and global healing process”

Sami writes, “When reciting a prayer, i thought of all those who recited it, from the Rishis who perceived it to all devotees who chanted it, and also all those who will recite it also in the future. By the intention i formed an image of all those person, like sphere of light, and set the intention to pray with all of them. I’m one among them. Let us be ONE voice. The recitation bring another energy then. We are not alone. We are connected, and we achieve better results.

Henny writes, “The group sankalpas are taken for the benefit of the entire creation, I feel there is actually something I can do for world peace. I often feel powerless watching the news on tv, so I am glad this is something I can do. This last sankalpa is very beautiful, because it expresses the truth that we are all One, that everything is One. So when I recite, I think of all conflict in my own life and in the world, and watch it dissolve in the mantra. It is as if when you try to find a radio station and hear a lot of static, and then you find the right wavelength and can hear the music clearly. This mantra, to me, is the music broadcast by every station everywhere.”

Nelson and Sami both quote from the Gospel “When two or more join in my Name, I will be there“.

Sankalpa Counts Tracker

Goal – 24 days and 10,000 malas of the sankalpa mantra “Om Namah Shivaya”.
Status – As of the 4th Sept 2013, the FINAL day of the sankalpa, we have collectively chanted 19836 malas.

S.No Name Number of Malas
1 Adaityananda 145
2 Alexandra 108
3 Ambika 316
4 Anjana 71
5 Ariana 1
6 Bea 35
7 Bharati 10
8 Bhavani 12
9 Bhuwan 1250
10 Bill B 20
11 Bill M 66
12 Brian 312
13 Chandana 50
14 Curt 225
15 Daniel 73
16 David 1
17 Divya 170
18 Deepa 1
19 Devananda 108
20 Devi 3200
21 Ekatmananda 200
22 Elise 120
23 Fred 280
24 Gaurav 53
25 Gurucharan 1
26 Henny 258
27 Jagadeesh 50
28 Jan 108
29 Janitri 465
30 Jolly 240
31 Joshua 40
32 Julia 505
33 Kalachandra 45
34 Kaliananda 202
35 Kamala 160
36 Kartikey 1
37 Kaushiki 242
38 Kip 133
39 Krista 800
40 Kurt 80
41 Kyle Williams 147
42 Kyle Walker 2
43 Lakshmi 215
44 Laura 125
45 Leela 200
46 Leslie 11
47 Linda 42
48 Lisa (Ma’latii) 3
49 Mandalji 100
50 Mausumi 225
51 Morningsong 270
52 Mrunmayee 202
53 Muktimaa 380
54 Nanda 330
55 Narendra 230
56 Neil 931
57 Nelson 100
58 Nirmala 230
59 Nityananda 21
60 Paddy 1
61 Papia 65
62 Paul 372
63 Prabuddh 265
64 Priyanka 1
65 Pushpa 1
66 Radhika 12
67 Ramya 20
68 Ratnaprava 500
69 Rebeca 116
70 Reema 10
71 Ron 700
72 Sadhana Shakti 112
73 Sally 5
74 Samantha 147
75 Sami 150
76 Sanatani 81
77 Sandeep 2
78 Sanjoy 60
79 Sarah 3
80 Saranya 265
81 Shalini 240
82 Shanta 21
83 Srini 15
84 Sue 233
85 Swarupananda 20
86 Sylvan 80
87 Tom 6
88 Terry 2
89 Uma S 1
90 Uma W 1411
91 Upendra 31
92 Usha 445
93 Vasantha 30
94 Victor 2
95 Vidyasagar 20
96 Vina 10
97 Vishweshwar 150
98 Yukiteru 310
  TOTAL 19836
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