Devi Mandir

Prayers, Remedies, and Practices

Negative Thoughts, Anxiety, Tamas


What are some specific remedies or rituals to quickly deal with negative thoughts?

Swamiji Says:

Chandi Maa is “She who Tears Apart Thought”, and so recitation of the Chandi will help in overcoming one’s negative thoughts.  It says in the Kilakam that there is no mantra which will work without repeated application.  Sing the Chandi.  Shree Maa and I send our blessings.


Should other words be used with the bija mantras “tam” and “sam” to decrease anxiety and tamas and increase satvic qualities? Will “Hrim” accomplish the same objective and more?

Swamiji Says:

We will want to design a sadhana in conjunction with the bija mantras, and that you should do in consultation with your guru.  Until that specific sadhana does not evolve, this same objective can be accomplished with Hrim.



Which mantra would be most helpful for increasing discernment as it relates to making wise choices about activities to bring closer to the goal?

Swamiji Says:

Be really specific about defining the goal, and you will find the criteria by which to decide which actions will bring you closer or not.

Bad Dreams


For the past one year I am experiencing really bad nightmares and dreams.  Is there a Hindu God or a mantra that I can pray / chant before going to sleep to protect me from such nightmares?

Swamiji Says:

It is Nidra Devi who is the Goddess of Sleep, and Her prayer is in Chapter One of the Chandi Path, from Verses 70 – 87.   In addition, all of Chapter 12 discusses removing bad dreams and changing them into good dreams.

Customs for  a Child’s Teeth Falling Out


Is there any custom that one can follow when a child’s teeth drop (milk teeth) out?

Swamiji Says:

Just like the hair from the first haircut, we wrap them in mixed flour dough, and then submerge the entire contents in a river or in the ocean.


Why do we submerge these in a river or ocean?

Swamiji Says:

Our primary nature is returned to the ocean of existence, becoming one with the totality of nature.

Mantras for honoring Deceased


My father is deceased and my mother is still living.  In the Kushandika, can the verses beginning with “Om aditir dyaur” to “Om santih santih santih” be recited to keep my focus on the divinity within my parents?  What else can be recited or prayed that would apply to honoring one’s parents and ancestors?

Swamiji Says:

Those mantras are extremely effective.  The entire Devi Gita is an offering to ancestors as well. May She bless you always.

Marjana, Anushthana, and Purascharana


What is marjana?  What is the difference between Anushthana and Purascharana?

Swamiji Says:

Marjana is the cleaning of the deity.

Anushthana is any sankalpa over a prolonged period of time.

Purascharana is offering at the homa fire.

Remedy for Pain


Is there any remedy through mantras for mental agony and harassment from a new spouse and in-laws?

Swamiji Says:

Recite the Chandi Path.

Restless Mind


My mind is very restless and is causing me lot of agony.  Will Chandi Path help me get rid of this restlessness?  What is the source of Chandi Path available to me in India?

Swamiji Says:

Yes, Chandi Path will help you.  It comes from Markandeya Purana.  In India I recommend the Gita Press publication of Durga Saptashati.  May She bless you always.

Tarpan Viddhi


The first of the mantras in the Tarpan Viddhi instructs that at the time of offering to ancestors we should remember five meritorious places of pilgrimage – Kuruksetra, Gaya, Ganga, Prabhasa and Puskara.  Could You elaborate on this?

Swamiji Says:

These places are most special where the ancestral worship is performed.  They are also indicative of the five senses.  Worship with all of your capacity.


Where do I get more information on the actual ceremony performed for the ancestors?

Swamiji Says:

Please read the Tarpana mantras at the end of the Cosmic Puja, and recite the Mahamrityunjaya mantra. Also chant the Gayatri mantra if possible.


Since my ancestors may have reincarnated, they can now be living in this world.  So is it correct to say that when I say a prayer for this world, that I am in fact praying for my ancestors and vice versa?

Swamiji Says:

Yes, it is okay.  But there is more.  Where we are in our lives is in part the consequence of the path that our ancestors prepared for us.  Right now we are in a very good place.  We have an understanding of the joy of giving respect.  Therefore, we want to thank all of the members of our immediate family for any effort they may have put forth which may have contributed to our attainment.


Is there a certain day each week or month when it is appropriate to pray for one’s ancestors?

Swamiji Says:


Puja for the Loss of a Parent


What worship or puja should be conducted for the loss of a Parent?

Swamiji Says:

Generally when a soul has left the body we recite the 1000 names of Vishnu.

Give your departed relative the highest respect. We would light a candle in front of the person’s picture, offer fresh flowers daily, and say at least 1 mala of Gayatri daily in the person’s honor.


How many times?  Should we say anything specific in our sankalpa?

Swamiji Says:

For eleven days.  The sankalpa would be: “Om Adya Jambudvipe …. …. Satyananda gotre, Shri (your name) krtaitat, PITRI SHRADDHAMAHAM KARISHYE.”

Informing Others When We Pray for Them


Is it absolutely necessary for us to inform our recipients that we are praying for them?

Swamiji Says:

No, the rule is not absolute.  The prayer is more effective when we are one in our intention as well as one in the execution.  But it is still valuable to pray for others, even if they are not conscious of our efforts.  On a subtle level they receive the blessings that we communicate.

Singing for God


Regarding singing for God, is there a short song you have, perhaps other than “Om Namah Shivaya” that Westerners can sing, at any time, that is easy to learn, or that you suggest we do learn?

Swamiji Says:

Yes, so many. Here is one:

From you I receive, and to you I give; Together we share, and through this we live

Puja for a Deceased Pet


We suddenly lost our dog, that has been with us for almost 10 years. Is there any puja or mantra that I could do, and also can a dog attain liberation? I have always offered my pet, a part of the prasad from my worship, will this in anyway help the next birth of the dog?

Swamiji Says:

It would be appropriate to chant Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. Animals do not attain liberation. They become reborn in another form – possibly human. It is appropriate to offer prayers and to perform pujas for the upliftment of that soul.

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