Devi Mandir

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss Class

This series of videos present the English translation of the Kathamritan from the original Bengali, which was written by Mahendranth Gupta. The Kathamritan is presented today as Ramakrishna, The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, by Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

The spiritual majesty of Ramakrishna’s thoughts can be summarized in a few short statements: “There is One God of us all, who is called by many names in many languages. As many as there are individuals, so many are the ways of worshiping the One God. The point of religious experience is not to engage in intellectual debate, but to become submerged in the ecstasy of divine love thorough devotion to our path.”

No two people are more qualified to tell the story of Sri Ramakrishna then Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Their discourses bring to life the bhava or devotional attitude of Sri Ramakrishna and his teachings.

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss Video Class 1


This video class offers us a look into the background of Ramakrishna and the book in translation, Kathamritan. The video will also discuss the birth of Sri Ramakrishna and his early childhood, which was spend in complete bliss.

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Chapter 1: The Master & Mahendranath Gupta

This chapter discusses the first meeting of Mahendranth Gupta and Ramakrishna. In this part of the story Mahendranth describes his amazement on meeting Sri Ramakrishna who he found at once to be both a very simple man, and yet at the same time such a great saint. Mahendranth was an overlearned man. He could not believe that Thakur (a name for Ramakrishna) knew everything. Mahendranth thought that if you want to earn wisdom, you have to read lots of books. Ramakrishna dissolved Mahendranths ego that day.

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Chapter 1: The Master & Mahendranath Gupta continued

In this discussion Ramakrishna talks about the attainment of faith as well as Narendra who would later become Swami Vivekananda. This is the first time that Mahendranth saw Ramakrishna in Samadhi (pure intuitive vision) which is body become motionless and breathless.

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Chapter 2: The Master & Devotees at Dakshineswar

In this chapter Ramakrishna, among many topics speaks of the immortality of the soul which can never be destroyed and that this body is like a pillowcase for the soul. He speaks on the yoga of wisdom (jnana), yoga of devotion (bhakti), and the yoga of action (karma).

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Chapter 2 continued: The Master & Devotees at Dakshineswar

In this part of the Kathamritam Ramakrishna discusses the various distinctions within the creation. Just as a spider takes its web from inside itself and spins it outside and then resides within the web, God takes the whole creation out of Herself.

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Chapter 3: Shivanath, & Devotees in Calcutta

Ramakrishna describes the nature of worldly people as well as the three gunas and the influence they have on natures of individuals. He also discusses the meaning of the form of Kali. When you go close to the Sun, it looks so huge that you can’t begin to conceive how enormous it is. In the same way, Kali’s form is infinite like the infinity of the sky, so then it is impossible to determine where her limits on.

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Chapter 3 continued and Chapter 4: The Master with Devotees

Ramakrishna talks about the system of prayer in the Brahmo Samaj and the eternal qualities of God. He also speaks about extreme renunciation as contrasted with that of individuals who are bound.

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Chapter 4: Vijay Goswami

Ramakrishna, in this part of the Kathamritam discusses the difficulties of taking the responsibilities of a teacher. He says, “Without being given the authority from God, it is very difficult to teach.” He also speaks on devotion (bhakti) and says, “The highest ideal of perfection in this age is union with God through devotion (bhakti).

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Chapters 5 and 6: Talk with Close Devotees

In this part of the Kathamritam, among many subjects Sri Ramakrishna discusses Samadhi (pure intuitive vision). He explains that there are multiple levels of samadhi with varying levels of “I” feeling. In the deepest level of samadhi, “I” feeling disappears and it cannot be described in words.

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Chapter 7: Narendra

Ramakrishna discusses Vedanta, the philosophy of non-dualism, which holds that the individual soul is in reality, identical with the universal soul. Ramakrishna says, “Those who attain atma jnana (self-realization) proclaim Tat Tvam Asi (I Am That).”

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Chapter 8: Brahmo Samaj in Calcutta

Sri Ramakrishna discusses his instructions to householders, instructing them that they should retreat into seclusion to perform sadhana (spiritual practice). He also explains the performance of actions with attachments and the meaning of wearing the gerrua colored cloth which is traditionally worn by the all renouncing sannyasins.

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Chapter 9: Master at Keshab Chandra Sen’s House

In this part of the Kathamritam, Ramakrishna discusses the means to attain God while living the life of a householder. He also discusses the remedy for worldliness, which he describes as, “Staying with Sadhus, singing Gods name, and praising her qualities.”

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Chapter 10: Master at Surendra’s House with Devotees

Ramakrishna discourses on simplicity and the attainment of Godliness, serving God and serving Gods creation. He also speaks of the love that the Gopi’s felt for Lord Krishna.

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Chapter 10 continued and Chapter 11: Master at Ishan’s House with Devotees

Ramakrishna discusses many topics with the Brahmo Sanaj, such as desires and attachments. He also speaks of the need for pundits devoid of discrimination and renunciation to practice sadhana (spiritual practice) to become affective teachers.

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Chapter 11 continued and Chapter 12: At Ishan’s House, Discussion w/ Brahmo Devotees

Ramakrishna describes that the paths to attain to God are infinite and that in this Kaliyuga (age of darkness) the path of devotion (bhakti) is supreme. He speaks of how in this age it is difficult to practice karma yoga (action) or jnana yoga (wisdom) alone.

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Chapter 12 continued: Festival at Beni Pal’s House, Discussion w/Brahmo Devotees

In section of the Kathamritam, Ramakrishna explains how the worldly ego gives rise to tamas (spiritual darkness), which is born from ignorance. This creates self -centeredness, which makes us unable to see God.

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Chapter 12 continued and Chapter 13: At Dakshineswar with Devotees

Ramakrishna discusses among many things, the activities we can perform to achieve Godliness. By pure unselfish activities you can get god. If you are deeply sincere you will receive God’s grace. He also explains that everything is Gods desire whether you conduct worldly business or you are a sannyasi, give it all to God.

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Chapter 13 continued: At Dakshineshwar with Devotees

Ramakrishna explains how to remain unattached while the living the life of a householder. He also discusses his interpretation of the sacred syllable OM. He describes that om is like the taum sound of a bell.

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Chapter 14: At Balaram’s House with Devoteesa

We hear about the divine bliss of Ramakrishna while singing in the company of his devotees. Ramakrishna describes that they attitude towards books and scriptures is that they are road maps to help us reach God.

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Chapter 14 continued and Chapter 15: At Girish’s House with Devotees

Ramakrishna discusses among many topics, the perceivable form of perfection, known as an avatar. He also speaks of the different names of the supreme divinity saying that what others call Brahman, he calls by the name of Kali.

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Chapter 15 continued: At Dr. Sarkar’s House with Devotees

Ramakrishna discusses how to be successful in controlling the senses. He also says that the six limitations of the ego cannot touch you if She bestows her grace on you. The six limitations are: Desire, Anger, Ignorant Attachments, Greed, Foolishness, and Jealousy.

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Chapter 16: At Shyampukur with Devotees

This chapter of the Kathamritam, discusses the wisdom of the supreme divinity and the wonders that can be seen by an avatar. Ramakrishna also discourses on how to control anger and the many other limitations of the mind.

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Chapter 17: At Shyampukur with Dr. Sarkar & Devotees

Ramakrishna discusses among many topics faith. When you have true faith all the debating of people dissolves from your presence. The debates are very far away, with faith you can find anything.

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Chapter 17 continued and Chapter 18: Narendra sings

Ramakrishna discusses among various topics free will. Some people feel that they are the actor but Ramakrishna says that I am a tool and God is the wielder of the tool. With this faith, you could be liberated in this very lifetime.

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Chapter 18 continued: Ramakrishna with Devotees

Ramakrishna discusses that until you have dissolved your egotism you cannot achieve wisdom. The day the “I” leaves is the day you gain liberation. Both “I” and “Mine” are born out of ignorance. You and yours are wisdom.

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