Devi Mandir

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Ch. 3: Seeing the Divine

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Ch. 3: Seeing the Divine

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Ch. 3: Seeing the Divine


Class 7, Ch. 3, pp. 82-83

Video Segment 2:36-9:02


[Ramakrishna:] That is why I say what is desirable is to attain Divine Bliss. When you meet your friend, do you ask how many houses he owns, how many gardens, how many servants? Does it matter to you how much money he has or how many good works he has performed? When I see Narendra, I forget everything else—his history, his house, his father, how many brothers he has. I forget to ask. When I look at Narendra, I sink into the Nectar of God. So as to God’s infinite creation, His imperishable qualities, all the news about His power and possessions, why should I care about all that?


Ramakrishna begins to sing:


My mind sinks deeper and deeper

into the ocean of the formless.

I searched into the lower regions of hell,

but in the middle of my heart

is the Forest of Delight.

I sink, sink, sink into the Light of Wisdom.

The Light of Wisdom is shining in my heart,

shining, shining, shining in my heart.

Splash, splash, splash go the oars

as I am rowed across the river.

But who is it that is actually taking me across?

The poet Kabir is singing.

Listen, listen, listen!

My mind is at the feet of my revered guru.


After the vision of God, devotees retain that flavor. They enjoy seeing the drama of the Divine Play. After slaying Ravana, Rama entered Ravana’s evil city. One elderly lady saw Rama coming and began to run away as fast as she was able. Rama’s brother, Lakshmana, asked Rama, “What is that old lady doing? Everyone knows that You are an avatar of God come to liberate this city, and she is fleeing away! Why is this?!”


Rama called to her compassionately, promised not to injure her in any way, and asked her why she was fleeing. She answered, “Rama, I’ve lived for so many years, and I’ve seen so much of your Divine Play. Now I have a desire to live even longer, so I can see what new dramas You are going to create here!” (All began to laugh.)


Ramakrishna (to Shivanath): I had a desire to see you. If I don’t see pure souls, who shall I converse with?

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