Devi Mandir

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Ch. 7: The Nectar of Immortality

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Immortality  Ch. 7: Sing Her Name

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Ch. 7: Nectar of Immortality

Class 10, Ch. 7, p.137

Video Segment 15:10-21:16

Ramakrishna: But Narada and Sukdeva, after achieving samadhi, came down for the benefit of others to explain what they had experienced. In order to remove the pains of the world, they taught how to enter samadhi.

Now Narendra began to sing:

Truth, God-Consciousness, and Divine Bliss

dwell deep within the temple of my heart.

When will that day come,

when will they reveal themselves to me?

Slowly, slowly, I sink into that Sea of Joy.

How can this Ocean of Wisdom reside

within my small heart?

My mind is filled with wonder

as I fall at the Feet of the Beloved.

In this abode of Peace and Bliss

there can be no duality.

As I surrender and take refuge

in my Lord of Lords,

my life is filled with meaning.

I always recite the Name.

No evil can dare approach me.

Just as darkness departs

with the dawning of the day,

all sin flees from me forever,

as I dwell in my Heart’s Light.

Drunk with the sweetness

of the Nectar within,

my Heart rises up

to the realm of Immortal Bliss.

As Narendra sang of the “Nectar of Immortality,” Shree Ramakrishna dove deeper and deeper into that Sea of Nectar until he was completely immersed in the deepest samadhi. He was totally absorbed within his own Self. His body was completely still like a wooden statue. He was completely intoxicated with Wine of the Bliss of the Divine Mother, She Who gives Immeasurable Delight. He had no more consciousness of the external world. There was not the slightest movement or sign of breathing. It appeared that he had left this world and fled to another realm.


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