Devi Mandir

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Ch. 8: God Alone is the Doer

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Ch. 8: God Alone is the Doer

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Ch. 8: God Alone is the Doer


Class 11, Ch. 8, p. 156-157

Video Segment 36:01-38:58


Don’t forget the Goddess Kali.

It is She who binds us with the net of maya.

We are killing ourselves

for the benefit of others,

but can we take them with us

when we leave this world?

Only for two days does

this attachment last.

Remember, oh mind,

God alone is the doer.

Only for a few days do we think

that we are acting.

Only when we renounce

all attachments and desires

do we discover that God alone is the doer.

Maha-Kala, the Great Time, Shiva.

Remember, o mind, God alone is the doer.

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