Devi Mandir

Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, from Class 1, Introduction: Come and See!


Ramakrishna The Nectar of Eternal Bliss Class 1 Introduction Come and See


Ramakrishna: The Nectar of Eternal Bliss, Introduction: Come and See!


Class 1: Introduction, p.1

Video 1:06-3:24


Hey, all citizens of the city!

Come and see! Come and see!

Ramakrishna has taken the form of the tree

which grants the fruit of all desire.

Come quickly and see!

He is standing there giving blessings.

Whatever desire you have in your mind,

come quickly and tell Ramakrishna.

Ramakrishna stands in the form of the wish-fulfilling tree.

Come quickly and see!


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