Devi Mandir

Respecting All Our Actions

Shree Maa has said how she has learned everything from her guru, Sri Ramakrishna.

“When I was a young child, even from the age of l five years old, I used to help my grandmother in the household chores. One day I was sweeping the floor, and when I had finished cleaning the rooms, I threw the broom into the corner where it was kept. Immediately I heard the voice of Shree Ramakrishna calling to me from within, ‘Hey there! That broom is your very good friend. Why do you treat it with such disrespect? If it weren’t for his loving service, how would you clean your house?’”

“Quickly I went over to the corner, picked up the broom and said, ‘Namaskar, I bow to your divine essence.’ Gently I placed it back in its proper place, and from that time on I tried to regard each and every thing as a manifestion of divine grace.”

From that simple but yet profound teaching from her Guru, Shree Maa has and always will lead a life of seeing everything in this world as a divine manifestation of God.

Shree Maa: Life of a Saint, By Swami Satyananda Saraswati

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