Devi Mandir

Rites of Passage

Every individual in any religion will want to understand and perform the Rites of Passage. This is a list of specific ceremonies, starting from marriage to funeral, which mark the various stages of life. Performing specific mantras and ceremonies at these stages in life will purify us.

The 16 Rites of Passage
Rite of Passage Meaning
Vivaha Marriage
Garbhadhan Planting the Seed
Punsavan Quickening the fetus
Simantonayan Celebrating the Pregnancy
Jatakarma Birth Ceremony
Namakaran Naming the child
Annaprashan First solid food
Churakaran First haircut
Upanayan Investiture of sacred thread
Kumari Puja Worship of the Goddess of Purity
Vedarambha Commencement of studies
Ritu Sanskara Young woman’s first menstruation
Samavarttan Graduation
Shala Karma Entering a new house
Antyeshthi Funeral Rites
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