Devi Mandir

Sadhana Pancakam

There are so many beautiful ancient Vedic texts and Stotrams, but there is one text that is so extraordinarily simple and straightforward that it is highly effective for all spiritual aspirants in today’s modern, busy age.

It is the Sadhana Pancakam, written by Shankar Acharaya in 700 AD. The five short verses offer forty straightforward guidelines, or dharmic actions, designed to free us from bondage and cause our divinity to blossom.

The list below is an English Translation of the Sanskrit text, which can be found on pages 5-9 in the Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna.

Let your Divinity blossom – print the list, review it daily, and track your progress!

Click Here for Printable PDF of The Sadhana Pancakam Checklist

Sadhana Pancakam Checklist

Verse 1:

 Always study words of wisdom
 With all of your capacity act in accordance and perform the discipline of these words of wisdom
 Follow the systems of worship they enumerate, make the worship of the Supreme Lord
 Don’t allow your consciousness to contemplate adverse desires
 Wipe all the dross of sin from your mind
 Search for the faults in the pleasures of the world
 Search your own soul for true knowledge
 Very quickly try to denounce the attachments to your home

Verse 2:

 Maintain the association of true people
 Take refuge with devotion in the Supreme Divinity
 With all your capacity try to befriend the universe
 Very quickly renounce the fruits of your labors
 Whenever possible seek out the company of the true and knowledgeable people
 Serve the sandals of their lotus feet
 Ask from them even one letter of the knowledge of Brahman
 Listen to the great words of wisdom from the Vedas

Verse 3:

 Always contemplate the great words of wisdom
 Take refuge in the great words of wisdom
 Stay far away from the bondages of the soul
 Search for the real inner meanings of the texts of wisdom
 Always maintain this attitude: I am one with God
 Renounce the many thoughts of the mind
 Leave the egotism of your body
 Don’t debate idle philosophies with intellectuals

Verse 4:

 Take the cure for the illness of uncontrolled desire
 Serve your doctor (Guru) as a beggar would serve a Lord
 Don’t seek the associations of pleasure-seekers or self-centered individuals
 Remain contented with whatever you receive in a divine union (that which God has consented to give)
 Remain the same while undergoing all the pair of opposites
 Don’t give expression to worthless speech
 Carry yourself as a great renunciate
 Don’t look to get grace from others
 Don’t seek to obtain something from others

Verse 5:

 Sit down in a quiet, conducive and comfortable environment, and contemplate the Supreme Divinity
 Look into yourself with the fullness of consciousness
 See the bondage of the gross world to the soul
 Reduce your necessity for action in the world
 Don’t allow your thoughts to be bound by karma, with the strength of wisdom free your mind from bondage
 Experience the fruits of your prarabda karma (actions performed in the past),
 With an attitude of one mind, go to the realms of Union with the Highest Divinity and remain there

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