Devi Mandir

From Birth to Death: Sixteen Initiations Class

The classes in this video series explains the samskara rituals and mantras for all of the ceremonies and sacred Rites of Passage which every practitioner of Sanatana Dharma will want to perform.The teachings by Shree Maa and Swamiji contains the philosophy and meaning of living the Dharma. Together they define the Highest Ideals in every relationship and major aspect of life.

Shree Maa – From Birth to Death: Sixteen Initiations Video Class 1

Marriage Class 1

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the ideals of marriage. According to the Hindu tradition, there are 5 kinds of marriages. The highest of these is called Divya Vivaah- divine marriage, a divine union between Shiva and Shakti. Divine marriage is a communion, a commitment, and an opportunity to constantly serve as a reminder to our divine partner. This is a reminder that we are Shiva and Shakti, and we have a internal divine union that transcends these bodies and this earthly interaction.

From Birth to Death: Class 1 - Marriage Class 1

Shree Maa – From Birth to Death: Sixteen Initiations Video Class

Marriage Class 2

Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue their discussion on the ideals of marriage. They share many stories from the ancient Sanskrit traditions that relate to the ideal of perfection in a marriage. Part of the central idea of a divine marriage is having a commonly understood goal for the purpose of this divine union.

Shree Maa – From Birth to Death: Sixteen Initiations Video Class 3

Marriage Class 3

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue a discussion on the ideals of marriage. As well as telling many inspiring stories relating to the ideal marriage, they also answer a vast range of issues relating to marriage including: Who to marry, when to get married, how does one build trust and security, how to constantly see our partner as the divine, and also how do we deal the changes that each partner will under go during marriage.

Shree Maa – From Birth to Death: Sixteen Initiations Video Class 4

Qualities of a Perfect Human Being

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the ideals of perfection of a human being such as: speaking the truth, constant practice of compassion, performing purifying austerities (spiritual discipline), leading a simple life, and being fully content living with God.

Shree Maa – From Birth to Death: Sixteen Initiations Video Class 5

The Marriage Ceremony part 1

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa explain the system of performing a marriage ceremony pertaining Hindu tradition. The marriage ceremony begins with Shiva and Durga puja (worship). The bride performs Shiva puja with the groom as her Shiva; the husband performs Durga puja with the bride as Durga.

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The Marriage Ceremony part 2

Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue their discussion of the marriage ceremony. In the Hindu tradition, the marriage ceremony consists of taking 7 steps around the sacred fire with the couples upper garments symbolically tied together.

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In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa teach on the ideals of perfection in relationships. Swamiji and Shree Ma give us a depth of wisdom and how to produce the greatest of harmonies in all of our relationships. They discuss ancient wisdom about relationships and make it relevant in modern day and every day life.

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Planting the Seed – Gharbhaa Dhaana Viddhi

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the Gharbhaa Dhaana Viddhi, which means planting the seed in the womb, which is one of the most important samskara, Hindu rights of passage. The first step of the Gharbhaa Dhaana is to decide why and for what purpose do we want to have a child.

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Gharbhaa Dhaana Viddhi part 2

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa share their wisdom on Gharbhaa Dhaana Viddhi, plaing the seed in the womb. They discuss and answer questions in detail the ideals of perfection when it comes to wanting a child.

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The Ceremony of Punsavan (Pregnancy)

In this video class Swamiji and Shree Maa discuss worshipping of the fetus and honoring of the mother. As soon as possible after we know were pregnant we will want to perform the Punsavan to welcome the new soul into our lives.

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The Ceremony of Jatakarma (Birth)

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the ideals of the jatakarma (birth) ceremony, which welcomes the baby to earth. This system of worship will help us to realize the divinity in our child, and the mantras and ceremony of this practice are explained in detail.

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Namakaran – Naming the Child

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa explains the process of giving the baby the ideal name. This practice relates to astrology and the position of the planets. The name that is chosen by this system also gives us useful information on how decorate the environment as well as their clothing.

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Annaprashan – First Solid Food

In this video class Swamiji and Shree Maa teach about the ideals of relating to the babies first food. The mantras of this ceremony along with the knowledge of why it’s performed meanings explained by Shree Maa and Swamiij with great insight into its purpose.

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Upanayan – Investiture of Sacred Thread

In this video Swamiji and Shree Maa discuss the importance of investing the child with the sacred thread. The upanayan samskara (rites) is a very significant right of passage, as the sacred thread represents the divine qualities we want to keep constant remembrance in our daily life.

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Kumari Puja – The Worship of Young Girls

In this class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the system of worship of Kumaris (young girls) who represent the goddess of purity. The mantras of Kumari puja are all explained along with the ceremony that accompanies it. By worshiping the young girl as Goddess Kumari we instill the qualities of purity, innocence, and trust in her and by extension to the worshiper and congregation, because we get the Prasad of our offering.

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Vedarambha – Commencement of Studies

In this video Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the Vedarambha also known as the Vidyarambha, which is the start of acquisition of knowledge (vidya) or the study of wisdom. Veda means wisdom, and arambha means commencement. The system of worships of the mantras and the reason for it are all explained with great detail.

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Vedarambha and Ritu Samskara (Young Woman)

This video class explains chapter 3 of the Chandi Path. In this chapter many more generals in the army of the Great Ego arise and are slain. Divine Mother ultimately slays the Great Ego in this chapter thereby giving us freedom from egotistical attachment and making us divine. The mantras of the third chapter are first chanted in Sanskrit and then explained in depth in English. The meanings of the names of each general in the army of the Great Ego are also translated and explained.

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Ritu Samskara part 2

In this video Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue the discussion of Rita Samskara (first menstruation cycle). They first explain what the ceremony is and what the necessity for it is. The right of passage signifies the child is not longer a little girl, but a woman capable of giving birth to the next generation.

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Samavarttan – Graduation

In this class Swamiji and Shree Maa explain the Samavarttan (the graduation ceremony), The completion of study in formal in the gurukul (family of the guru) system of learning. It is the guru who determines when the student has mastered the subjects, which will be required in his or her life.

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Samavarttan part 2

Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue the talk on the Samavarttan (graduation ceremony). Swamiji and Shree ma answer questions in detail pertaining to the Samavarttan and how it is relevant in today’s system of learning.

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Shala Karma – Entering New House, Antyeshthi – Funeral Rites

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss Shala Karma (entering a new house) and Antyeshthi (funeral rites). Shala Karma or Grihapravesh is the ceremonial worship prior to entering a new house, which blesses the house so that no negative energy can enter and cleanses all bad vibrations and puts them out of the house. Antyeshthi (funeral rites) means the last rites for the human being, which pertains to the funeral or cremation rites.

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Antyeshthi part 2

In this class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue their teaching of the Antyeshthi, last rites for a human being. These funeral rites are divided into a number of portions. The first part is to have the opportunity, the privilege of being with an individual at the time of departure, or leaving the body. We want to keep that environment as divine as possible.

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Antyeshthi part 3

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue the discussion of Antyeshthi, or the last funeral rites of a human being. The first step of the actual cremation rite is Shavadaha (the burning of the corpse). The second step is called Pretutsarga (when the soul is rising towards heaven). The thirst step is on the 10th day when we perform Shraddha (offering to the ancestors).

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Funeral Ceremony and Death

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the funeral ceremonies along with he death of the body. They cover many topics, like what happens to the soul after death, to how families with no children can perform the funeral rites.

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Four Ashramas/Stages of Life – part 1

Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the four ashramas (stages of life) which are: Brahmacharya, Grihasta, Vanaprastha, and Sannyas. Typically these were divined into twenty-five sections of ones life.

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Four Ashramas/Stages of Life – part 2

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue the discussion of the four ashramas (stages of life). They discuss a wide range of topics from the meaning of brahmacharya to what someone should do who feels ready to move towards sannyas.

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Four Ashrams/Stages of Life – part 3

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue the discussion of the four ashramas (stages of life). They discuss a wide range of topics on these four stages of life. In Brahmacharya we learn how to make our contribution. In Grihastha we make our contribution to society. In Vanaprastha we empower the children to take over and move towards retirement. In Sannyas we become established in truth.

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Class Questions

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa cover a diverse range topics in relation to the ideals of life well lived. These topics span the entire life course of an individual and cover various ideals for the major events in life.

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Sixteen Initiations – part 1

Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa discuss the sixteen initiations. There are many times and many ways we can take initiation (diksha) from a guru. Traditionally the first initiation is the guru mantra (that which takes away the mind).

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Sixteen Initiations – part 2

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue the discussion of the sixteen initiations. A few of the initiations (diskha) are: Mantra, Mala, yantra, and the loincloth. The purpose and meaning of these are explained in the video.

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Sixteen Initiations – Questions – part 1

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa answer questions pertaining to initiation (diskha). These questions cover a vast range of topics for example, the sequence of initiations, receiving initiations from gurus, and are towards all of our gurus.

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Sixteen Initiations – Questions – part 2

In this class Swamiji and Shree Maa continue the discourse with devotees about the way these various initiations come about and how they affect our lives and spiritual practices.

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Sixteen Initiations – Questions – part 3

In this video class Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Shree Maa continue the series of questions and answers with devotees related to the various aspects of the sixteen initiations. This video class contains a wealth of wisdom that all people interested in spiritual living will want to know.

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