Devi Mandir

Story of Gautam Muni and the Pot


I’m going to tell you a story about a time where there was a great drought in all of India. Everyone was wanting for water. Except for Gautam Muni. Gautam Muni was worshipping Gayatri Devi and he had established a pot. And every day he would chant the mantras, and while every day the rest of India was crying for water, a cloud came right over his ashram and poured down rain. And there was abundance in Gautam’s ashram.

Some of the Brahmins were suffering – they were wanting for food, their livestock was dying, their crops were withering. They said, “There is no recourse for us, who could save us, lets go take refuge with Gautam Muni.” And the Brahmins went to Gautam’s Ashram, they knocked on the door, and they said, “Gautam! Please give us refuge.” Gautam opened up the door and he said, “Oh, the Brahmins have come to bless me! Please come in!” And he went to the altar and he prayed to the Pot, “Please help me provide what is necessary to make these people comfortable. Let me honor my guests.” And then he lifted up the coconut and he reached into the pot and he pulled out asans for all the Brahmins, and said, “Please sit down.” And he then took some water from his samanyarghya – from the kosha, with the koshi, he poured water over their feet. And he said, “I offer you padyam”, and gave them an arghyam, an object of value. Then he gave them food and clothes and then he gave them wood and masala and said, “Please join me in the Yajna. Everybody make your own Yajna, please worship the Goddess!”

So every day the cloud would come over and pour rain on Gautam’s ashram and Gautam’s ashram continued to expand. And everybody started worshipping the Goddess in the form of the pot. And there was never lack in his ashram.

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