Devi Mandir

Swamiji at the Monroe Institute


In 1987, while on one of their several tours throughout the United States visiting devotees, spiritual communities, and seekers; Shree Maa and Swami Satyananda met Robert Monroe at his institute in Virginia Beach.

Throughout the years, Mr. Monroe has written several books documenting his, originally, spontaneous out of body experiences. Over time he discovered a relatively simple process for inducing various levels of meditation and even out of body experiences in virtually anyone. He called this process Hemi-sync, and established an institute devoted to researching the ever increasing therapeutic uses of his discovery.

Briefly, Mr. Monroe discovered that by synchronizing brain waves of the two hemispheres of the brain, by means of playing separate pulses through earphones into each ear of a subject; one could be brought to ever deeper levels of meditation and finally to a full out of body experience.

This tape is a record of Swami Satyananda’s experience with Hemi-sync. And, it should be said that though Mr. Monroe has, over the years, guided hundreds of explorers to the farthest reaches of the Universe and to many levels of subtlety, the Swami’s experience was unique.

What Mr. Monroe heard was as follows. For devotees of the Mother Goddess, it speaks for itself.

Listen to Swami Satyananda at the Monroe Institute:

“I exist everywhere, in every time, in every object, in every form. But especially in those who know me in love and delight. Those who come to peace can come to love; those who are devoid of their own selves. Open your hearts and share with one another. Know that each and every form that you see is merely my reflection. Take joy in life. Be at peace. Be happy and share.. ” Download transcript: DOC

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