7 Ways to Interpret Meanings of Sanskrit | |
Ahalya and curse of Gautham Muni | |
Ahimsa and Bugs | |
All You Need is LOVE | |
Are we worshiping God or Goddess | |
As Sadhus should we want fame? | |
Auspicious Times of Recitation | |
Bhagavad Gita Viniyoga | |
Bhisma Leads the Forces of Darkness | |
Budget | |
Choose a Living Guru | |
Common Heritage | |
Conflict in Worship | |
Controlling the Mind | |
Creativity and Love | |
Cultivating Humility Through Empathy | |
Cultivating Vairaghya | |
Diksha | |
Disrespecting Shakti | |
Ego and ability go together | https://youtu.be/BcdOGLnishc |
Failure in Meditation | https://youtu.be/A0aRjD2Gf7o |
Focus on the Murti & the Guru | https://youtu.be/xHQnjSoL0pc |
Gagendra Moksha story | https://youtu.be/pxkIsZhr858 |
Gajendra Moksha | https://youtu.be/_A7TDGo_Dbg |
Good Works: Are They Selfish or Pure? | https://youtu.be/3QK11ygLXlw |
How can we be with the Guru all the time? | https://youtu.be/y5SiYCqX9SA |
How can we have peace when others suffer? | https://youtu.be/u3PygojgQqE |
How Did We Become Deluded? | https://youtu.be/AkVgo2Zkj7s |
How do we develop true devotion to the Guru? | https://youtu.be/wu03aZqUztA |
How does one develop faith | https://youtu.be/MIMEE-EwGIA |
How Gayatri manifested | https://youtu.be/AX7CKaHfjMs |
How important is Jyotish in the age of the internet? | https://youtu.be/_OpvRqwgYKY |
How is Nature in Captivity? | https://youtu.be/wuv8djtFsCQ |
How old is the Devi Gita? | https://youtu.be/hj014_eNLpw |
How Ravana kidnapped Sita | https://youtu.be/kyXxOF8PRTk |
I am the Thief | https://youtu.be/WhNX8eBvb1I |
I'm a Citizen of the Universe | https://youtu.be/uokTUilCySE |
Increase Sadhana Decrease Worldly Attachment! | https://youtu.be/OWO-3a_zcGE |
Indra cuts off Atharvana's Head | https://youtu.be/dLaY_IxsPaQ |
Interpreting the Bhagavad Gita | https://youtu.be/DqPaju3JMjU |
Introduction to Sundar Kanda | https://youtu.be/ERYvQFPeSok |
Is correct pronunciation of Mantras important? | https://youtu.be/NoIqK7HYsXs |
Is Seva superior to Puja, Path and Homa? | https://youtu.be/wwMg2vl39HY |
Is the Bhagavad Gita Practical? | https://youtu.be/xOsVK44dRrc |
Latin | https://youtu.be/dB3nIAlDgDg |
Maha Shivaratri: March 9th 2013 | https://youtu.be/q4BZ1-vzG8c |
Maintaining the Attitude of Sacrifice | https://youtu.be/ZeGCONpf79o |
Making a Family Goal | https://youtu.be/SA9xC1kgo8c |
Mantra, Yantra, Tantra: Chandi Path, Devi Gita, Cosmic Puja | https://youtu.be/US0UiSRKnCE |
Markandeya story | https://youtu.be/zbScOJgV_9c |
Mechanical and Devoted Recitation | https://youtu.be/5NKJJ9b9NT4 |
Meditation on the Chakras | https://youtu.be/QlEs4-cpOEw |
Navaratri | https://youtu.be/OGOMdXKQ1D4 |
Nirvikalpa samadhi | https://youtu.be/AoxYdeMur4Y |
No One is Free From Practice | https://youtu.be/4lhrnh2lazk |
Objective of Nyasas | https://youtu.be/iFgkOyq8eAc |
One Scripture Or Many | https://youtu.be/R6IqC-tBISo |
One With All | https://youtu.be/jUljhVD5Ow0 |
Parabhakti | https://youtu.be/gHDBZxagQSw |
Partial Study and Full Study | https://youtu.be/EzLJerTgKSk |
Pranayama 101 | https://youtu.be/UEWsfLR0-ek |
Pronunciation of Om Mantra and the Degeneration of the Brahmins | https://youtu.be/eNwwBUOAGQ0 |
Puja and Worship Techniques | https://youtu.be/siWKotGg0fs |
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Christ Consciousness | https://youtu.be/_0xH375EAVo |
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - I Am in the Father | https://youtu.be/d5O3erXtn3g |
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Mitra: the Friend of All | https://youtu.be/RlOx_83qpwg |
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Samadhi | https://youtu.be/lvf2YDG3N70 |
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Self-doubt | https://youtu.be/EPHVAgFZsDE |
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Universal Love | https://youtu.be/vIc5Dr80yU8 |
Question and Answer: Christmas Edition - Falling in Love | https://youtu.be/g28VzIv024Y |
Questions from Chapter 7 | https://youtu.be/9SyfMSjNZp8 |
Ratanti Kalika Puja | https://youtu.be/IhczPEDCC0Y |
Recite from Devanagari Transliteration | https://youtu.be/wBeDC7JltkU |
Reciting the names of the 108 Shakti Peethas | https://youtu.be/XTfmon9W6Sg |
Renouncing Purity | https://youtu.be/RMUJ1amq4b4 |
Sacrifice | https://youtu.be/xW4oEAECBWM |
Sadhana and Worldly Duties | https://youtu.be/XokVhNIhx_Q |
Sadhu Stories by Swamiji - Two Men and a Prostitute | https://youtu.be/oEiAPzrImO4 |
Shakti Pitha Yatra | https://youtu.be/hKyP-Mi8bRc |
Shankachura and Tulsi story | https://youtu.be/tymqSdGzGC0 |
Shankachura and Tulsi story | https://youtu.be/WflTIIsHf08 |
Should one chant 1000 names or just one? | https://youtu.be/P8f_psUWfe8 |
Shree Maa Drinks the Poison | https://youtu.be/jduVcvvWYLM |
Smasan Sadhana | https://youtu.be/g5a1p5ovR4s |
Story of Bhisma's Death | https://youtu.be/K63hYa9iwDA |
Story of Daksha's Yajna | https://youtu.be/xzx6AX0bBUM |
Story of Ekalabhya | https://youtu.be/vUfbT0_IAYA |
Story of Gagendra Moksha | https://youtu.be/p7tR9EitDjk |
Story of How Indrajit Got His Name | https://youtu.be/A6H96C-7rvA |
Story of Jayant as a Crow | https://youtu.be/Oy9s9WmSm7A |
Story of Jayant as a crow | https://youtu.be/GMglKIXVbzw |
Story of Mahisha | https://youtu.be/Mi_M6bBcG6o |
Story of Narad Curses Vishnu | https://youtu.be/GD6vfbUTzys |
Story of Ram and Bharat | https://youtu.be/M7ykmrRT0sw |
Story of Ravana Kumbakharna Bhibishana | https://youtu.be/BGLumDJn4uo |
Story of Sagara | https://youtu.be/zw05qpSJQ6Q |
Story of Shantanu and Matsyaganda | https://youtu.be/QF1fR4KWejA |
Story of Shukdev | https://youtu.be/6ITn2DY_IoI |
Story of Siva Meditates on Vishnu | https://youtu.be/ZpZX8dmtKVA |
Story of the Farmer and Pundit | https://youtu.be/Zl6BinNn_nY |
Story of The Importance of Karna | https://youtu.be/c0tC1m8CMQA |
Story of the Runaway Elephant | https://youtu.be/MJvBxlAx1OA |
Story of the sadhu and the old woman | https://youtu.be/vAIIuuHeRq0 |
Story of the Three Sadhus and Liberation | https://youtu.be/sF_n16YPmiU |
Story of the Woodcutter Sannyasi | https://youtu.be/WTQ2LBa_u7k |
Story of Vedavyasa's Conception | https://youtu.be/Qo3f3V6p7Aw |
Story of Vindhya | https://youtu.be/-tSyTIzWVfU |
Sundar Kanda Story of Sita's Vow | https://youtu.be/U1zj26ZApUU |
Surrender in practical terms | https://youtu.be/5pAVAeODVCI |
Swami Satyananda on the Path of Sound | https://youtu.be/WdOi2hlNxKo |
Swami Satyananda on the Yantra | https://youtu.be/BUUHY1GOWDI |
Swami Satyananda on the Yoni Mudra | https://youtu.be/0rfoTsW0sNQ |
Swami Satyananda on Vyakulata | https://youtu.be/TcR6wgAX4JA |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati tells a Hanuman Story | https://youtu.be/GjuBj76uk2s |
Swami Satyananda Tells the Story of Ghantakarna | https://youtu.be/3AF7nGYFdTY |
Swamiji dicusses: Seva and Sadhana | https://youtu.be/oUcDiN4RFW8 |
Swamiji Discusses: Trailinga Swami | https://youtu.be/WZR79TbjEjM |
Swamiji Speaks on Measuring Spiritual Progress | https://youtu.be/4q8g6U3biZo |
Swamiji Talks About Good Friday and The Resurrection | https://youtu.be/o-Wj82exYss |
Swamiji's Tapasya | https://youtu.be/Pz7UTsMNB-Q |
Taking Refuge | https://youtu.be/2WAxSzufOpc |
The 4 Preferred Ways to Sit in Meditation | https://youtu.be/r_9VjYUhcBs |
The 7 Classial Schools of Philosophy | https://youtu.be/RwskUR7hKiU |
The Balance in Giving | https://youtu.be/fF3ukmP_V5s |
The Balance of Jnana and Bhaki | https://youtu.be/wpEvrJhKA0E |
The Concept of Sadhana | https://youtu.be/gwSRebgwfVo |
The Difficulty of Supreme Attainment | https://youtu.be/Be4AhHZi5Rg |
The Distinction Between the Bhagavad Gita and the Chandi Path | https://youtu.be/6QS01QiGtx8 |
The effect of Mantra on our choices | https://youtu.be/WhxAZFqO0ik |
The Essence of Devi Gita | https://youtu.be/nYZ7GONbRjg |
The Gurukul | https://youtu.be/kcE-T7VX8FQ |
The Kundalini | https://youtu.be/LISap8BJsVA |
The Root is Your Idea | https://youtu.be/7G07Tb9b4Dk |
The Story Lomash Muni and Kakbushundi | https://youtu.be/Q3aDnYJq8XE |
The Story of Brahma and Ganga | https://youtu.be/_f2UsbdvmaE |
The Story of Brahma calling Yoganidra | https://youtu.be/21Ij_TVIxAo |
The Story of Brahma, Vishnu and the Shiva Lingam | https://youtu.be/cFdFoY65DTw |
The Story of Ganesh losing his tusk | https://youtu.be/QrmywYf8Uek |
The Story of Ganesh's birth | https://youtu.be/nd2Z7YcxPwQ |
The Story of Gautham Muni and the Drought | https://youtu.be/uaEUbA0qAA4 |
The Story of how Ravana kidnapped Sita | https://youtu.be/gKrexASvrls |
The Story of Janamejaya's Yagya | https://youtu.be/X7Y4rPQXMUo |
The Story of Keshab Sen, Ramakrishna, and Hospitals | https://youtu.be/1QSNCjmFcCg |
The Story of Shankaracharya and Totakacharya | https://youtu.be/zERJoJ7tFbI |
The Story of Shree Maa and Swamiji's Chandi | https://youtu.be/q_RTexeuvdg |
The Story of the Churning of the Milk Ocean | https://youtu.be/9YAlbYwG7A4 |
The Story of the Happy Guru | https://youtu.be/ebRxecEml8k |
The Story of the Pandavas and the Spring | https://youtu.be/DJ8xmBeXWx0 |
The Story of the three thieves | https://youtu.be/yQD6o_VeF_o |
The Story of Two Flies | https://youtu.be/9HjZ2DtuaGA |
The Trilogy of the Goddess | https://youtu.be/Xx9hbOHPzmo |
The Vedas | https://youtu.be/OWcdjXbK3Bw |
True explanation of castes | https://youtu.be/I4OqW0Iu2Rk |
Unattached: Going Beyond the Peaks and Valleys | https://youtu.be/9l84IWdwow4 |
Unhappy Endings | https://youtu.be/r7khn8e20YE |
Use of Pranayama in chanting Sundar Kanda | https://youtu.be/VS2oxCPD5HE |
Vasanas and Samskaras | https://youtu.be/Gg-8XhqrMHw |
What do Snakes represent? | https://youtu.be/bjQ8mla0B2o |
What if we can't sit in an Asana? | https://youtu.be/ZSuJuVV8ELc |
What is Ahimsa? | https://youtu.be/7ZmctHZ4ihw |
What is Pure Nature? | https://youtu.be/Jc8JHnVmMnU |
What is the difference between a Yogi and a Sannyasi? | https://youtu.be/Cr8Vl15SgyY |
What is the soul of all definitions? | https://youtu.be/yel9f0GZGBQ |
Where do Asuras get their energy? | https://youtu.be/kkQzKk9B-W4 |
Where Is Kurukshetra? | https://youtu.be/H6qEIXlv4C4 |
Where the Holy Rivers unite in the body | https://youtu.be/tgnNpHenmkg |
Why and How to Study Sanskrit | https://youtu.be/qayQKnLotI0 |
Why do saints incarnate? | https://youtu.be/cTKlQrYRqF0 |
Why Puja | https://youtu.be/HWA1eF88C-k |
Why purify ourselves | https://youtu.be/b5dR4c-1HWQ |
Why purify ourselves? | https://youtu.be/IprmP1lTNMk |
Why ring a bell during worship? | https://youtu.be/9HlPSeqCtgM |
Why should a sadhaka chant the Devi Gita? | https://youtu.be/Rj4AM4GwUtg |
Why should we worship the Ancestors? | https://youtu.be/RF9pwdQ7hpA |
Why War Happens | https://youtu.be/hGNbMOa_rrg |
Worshiping Children as God | https://youtu.be/uxOEyL1XOTY |