Devi Mandir

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Video Excerpts
7 Ways to Interpret Meanings of Sanskrit
Ahalya and curse of Gautham Muni
Ahimsa and Bugs
All You Need is LOVE
Are we worshiping God or Goddess
As Sadhus should we want fame?
Auspicious Times of Recitation
Bhagavad Gita Viniyoga
Bhisma Leads the Forces of Darkness
Choose a Living Guru
Common Heritage
Conflict in Worship
Controlling the Mind
Creativity and Love
Cultivating Humility Through Empathy
Cultivating Vairaghya
Disrespecting Shakti
Ego and ability go together
Failure in Meditation
Focus on the Murti & the Guru
Gagendra Moksha story
Gajendra Moksha
Good Works: Are They Selfish or Pure?
How can we be with the Guru all the time?
How can we have peace when others suffer?
How Did We Become Deluded?
How do we develop true devotion to the Guru?
How does one develop faith
How Gayatri manifested
How important is Jyotish in the age of the internet?
How is Nature in Captivity?
How old is the Devi Gita?
How Ravana kidnapped Sita
I am the Thief
I'm a Citizen of the Universe
Increase Sadhana Decrease Worldly Attachment!
Indra cuts off Atharvana's Head
Interpreting the Bhagavad Gita
Introduction to Sundar Kanda
Is correct pronunciation of Mantras important?
Is Seva superior to Puja, Path and Homa?
Is the Bhagavad Gita Practical?
Maha Shivaratri: March 9th 2013
Maintaining the Attitude of Sacrifice
Making a Family Goal
Mantra, Yantra, Tantra: Chandi Path, Devi Gita, Cosmic Puja
Markandeya story
Mechanical and Devoted Recitation
Meditation on the Chakras
Nirvikalpa samadhi
No One is Free From Practice
Objective of Nyasas
One Scripture Or Many
One With All
Partial Study and Full Study
Pranayama 101
Pronunciation of Om Mantra and the Degeneration of the Brahmins
Puja and Worship Techniques
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Christ Consciousness
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - I Am in the Father
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Mitra: the Friend of All
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Samadhi
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Self-doubt
Question and Answer with Swamiji: Christmas Edition - Universal Love
Question and Answer: Christmas Edition - Falling in Love
Questions from Chapter 7
Ratanti Kalika Puja
Recite from Devanagari Transliteration
Reciting the names of the 108 Shakti Peethas
Renouncing Purity
Sadhana and Worldly Duties
Sadhu Stories by Swamiji - Two Men and a Prostitute
Shakti Pitha Yatra
Shankachura and Tulsi story
Shankachura and Tulsi story
Should one chant 1000 names or just one?
Shree Maa Drinks the Poison
Smasan Sadhana
Story of Bhisma's Death
Story of Daksha's Yajna
Story of Ekalabhya
Story of Gagendra Moksha
Story of How Indrajit Got His Name
Story of Jayant as a Crow
Story of Jayant as a crow
Story of Mahisha
Story of Narad Curses Vishnu
Story of Ram and Bharat
Story of Ravana Kumbakharna Bhibishana
Story of Sagara
Story of Shantanu and Matsyaganda
Story of Shukdev
Story of Siva Meditates on Vishnu
Story of the Farmer and Pundit
Story of The Importance of Karna
Story of the Runaway Elephant
Story of the sadhu and the old woman
Story of the Three Sadhus and Liberation
Story of the Woodcutter Sannyasi
Story of Vedavyasa's Conception
Story of Vindhya
Sundar Kanda Story of Sita's Vow
Surrender in practical terms
Swami Satyananda on the Path of Sound
Swami Satyananda on the Yantra
Swami Satyananda on the Yoni Mudra
Swami Satyananda on Vyakulata
Swami Satyananda Saraswati tells a Hanuman Story
Swami Satyananda Tells the Story of Ghantakarna
Swamiji dicusses: Seva and Sadhana
Swamiji Discusses: Trailinga Swami
Swamiji Speaks on Measuring Spiritual Progress
Swamiji Talks About Good Friday and The Resurrection
Swamiji's Tapasya
Taking Refuge
The 4 Preferred Ways to Sit in Meditation
The 7 Classial Schools of Philosophy
The Balance in Giving
The Balance of Jnana and Bhaki
The Concept of Sadhana
The Difficulty of Supreme Attainment
The Distinction Between the Bhagavad Gita and the Chandi Path
The effect of Mantra on our choices
The Essence of Devi Gita
The Gurukul
The Kundalini
The Root is Your Idea
The Story Lomash Muni and Kakbushundi
The Story of Brahma and Ganga
The Story of Brahma calling Yoganidra
The Story of Brahma, Vishnu and the Shiva Lingam
The Story of Ganesh losing his tusk
The Story of Ganesh's birth
The Story of Gautham Muni and the Drought
The Story of how Ravana kidnapped Sita
The Story of Janamejaya's Yagya
The Story of Keshab Sen, Ramakrishna, and Hospitals
The Story of Shankaracharya and Totakacharya
The Story of Shree Maa and Swamiji's Chandi
The Story of the Churning of the Milk Ocean
The Story of the Happy Guru
The Story of the Pandavas and the Spring
The Story of the three thieves
The Story of Two Flies
The Trilogy of the Goddess
The Vedas
True explanation of castes
Unattached: Going Beyond the Peaks and Valleys
Unhappy Endings
Use of Pranayama in chanting Sundar Kanda
Vasanas and Samskaras
What do Snakes represent?
What if we can't sit in an Asana?
What is Ahimsa?
What is Pure Nature?
What is the difference between a Yogi and a Sannyasi?
What is the soul of all definitions?
Where do Asuras get their energy?
Where Is Kurukshetra?
Where the Holy Rivers unite in the body
Why and How to Study Sanskrit
Why do saints incarnate?
Why Puja
Why purify ourselves
Why purify ourselves?
Why ring a bell during worship?
Why should a sadhaka chant the Devi Gita?
Why should we worship the Ancestors?
Why War Happens
Worshiping Children as God
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