His life is dedicated to the worship and service of the One God, who resides in all beings, to Sadhana (spiritual practice), and to Seva (selfless service as an expression of love.) In the tradition of the Devi Mandir, all teaching is offered free of charge, with the knowledge that students will want to offer their support in whatever form they choose, in order to enable the continuation of this tradition and these teachings.
Our Philosophy teaches: from each according to capacity, to each according to need.
Yoga Certifications:
Yoga Alliance eRYT 200, RYT 500
1000 Hour Certified Yoga Therapist (IAYT Member) CYT (Pranavinyasa School of Yoga)
Attended Bihar School of Yoga’s 6 Month Gurukul Lifestyle Course
Devi Mandir One Year Yoga Philosophy and Sanskrit Scripture Course
Styles of Yoga
Adaityananda teaches many kinds and styles of yoga as to always be able to offer what is appropriate and useful for each student. Some examples are Power Yoga, Flow Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yoga for Seniors, Yoga for Students, Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra, etc. He specializes in therapeutic applications of Yoga.
Yoga Experience
Adaityananda has taught Yoga in Senior Centers, Jails, Schools, Medical Facilities and Yoga Studios big and small. He has experience teaching a diverse range of students from seniors to school students, both inflexible and flexible. He has worked with students with a variety of ailments such as those dealing with paralysis (as a result of stroke), recovering Cancer patients, people who had suffered from polio, arthritis, and many other ailments. He has also taught Yoga for athletes who play sports such as baseball, tennis, golf and others. He has even led classes for children with Autism.
Adaityananda is experienced in leading Yoga Nidra and Meditations classes and has done so at Yoga Festivals, workshops and regular settings. He has taught classes of every size and kind from private Yoga students, therapeutic or otherwise, group classes, workshops and festival event classes.
He has led Yoga Teacher Training programs at the 200 hour level and assisted in many 500 hour programs. He mostly worked with Pranavinyasa School of Yoga, but also taught as an assistant teacher in other yoga training programs. He has trained teachers in areas such as Yoga Philosophy, Meditation, Asana, Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga therapy and most styles of Yoga from vigorous to gentle.
Current Teaching: Classes, Workshops and Retreats
Adaityananda teaches Yoga with an emphasis on spirituality and their practical application. He periodically travels to teach workshops and retreats. Occasionally he host retreats for small groups of sincere and qualified students at the Devi Mandir. In order to attend retreats at the Devi Mandir applicants are required to be able to demonstrate some proof of their sincerity and qualification. This may be done via association with Shree Maa, Swamiji, Adaityananda or other qualified teachers in the lineage. Alternatively it may be proven by completing some of the advanced classes offered for free on the Devi Mandir website. Qualification will be determined individually.
The Spiritual need for Yoga
Removing ailments is important to being able to sit comfortably and go beyond the body. If you ignore the body to the point where it becomes sick or injured, it will forcibly draw your awareness to its self all the time by means of that ailment. As we wish to focus our awareness internally, it will be beneficial for all of us to take proper care of our bodies. There is a time for going beyond the body and also a time for taking care of the body.
Yoga is defined as Chitta Vritta Nirodha, the prohibition or cessation of the movement or changes or modifications of the objects of Consciousness. The body is no doubt an object foremost in our Consciousness, especially when it is sick or unhealthy. Hatha Yoga will serve as a remedy for this issue.
The Basics needs for Yoga
After having organized your life to be conducive for Yoga, an important step of Ashtanga Yoga is Asana. So long as your body is not in harmony, steady and still, it will be very difficult to draw your attention to more subtle avenues of consciousness.
Hatha Yoga will help us become Sukham Sthiram Asanam, steady and at ease in our sitting posture for Sadhana, as is claimed in the Yoga Sutras. We need to be able to put our knees on the floor, to make our back bone straight, to be able to breath in pranayama, and so much as is possible to be free from ailments.
Hatha Yoga will be a valuable tool in helping us achieve these goals, especially in a world of modern conveniences that have ultimately rendered many of us inflexible and made our backs and spines very weak.