Devi Mandir

Travelogue: Festival for Annapurna, Varanasi

Travelogue: Festival for Annapurna, Varanasi

Annapurana-and-Siva,-Varanasi-300x225During our stay in Varanasi, it so happened that there was a very special festival for Mother Annapurna at the Annapurna Temple.

Thousands of devotees streamed in and out of the temple to get a glimpse of the golden Annapurna feeding the solid silver Lord Shiva.

We were fortunate to be able to visit the temple at this time, and even more fortunate that we were there with our very own Annapurna, Shree Maa, and Swamiji.

This was the very same temple where Shree Maa and Swamiji performed puja earlier in the trip.

On this occasion, however, it was clear that the temple had been completely transformed with decoration in celebration of the Divine Mother!

As I stood in awe of the transformation of this temple, it occured to me that these decorations are the sublime expression of pure devotion. I could only imagine how much effort and time the devotees had spent beautifying the temple for Mother Annapurna.

Inside the main chamber of the temple, there were special murtis of Lord Shiva and Annapurna. Normally, these murtis are not available for public viewing and they are only brought out on special occasions.

Shree Maa enthusiastically entered the inner sanctum and, with some help from Her devotees, She made Her way up a very large step to get as close to Lord Shiva and Annapurna Devi as possible. She sweetly offered flowers, then respectfully touched the feet of Lord Shiva to obtain His blessing. She was thrilled to see Mother Annapurna and Lord Shiva standing together!

We all stood for a moment and offered our prayers to the Divine Mother Annapurna, who feeds all of her devotees.

My heart felt great satisfaction as I stood in the presence of two forms of Annapurna – the Annapurna murti and the living Annapurna as expressed in Shree Maa.

I felt great gratitude for Shree Maa, who is always preparing food for Her children and looking after their well being.

Thank You Shree Maa for all that you do!

Jai Maa!

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