Devi Mandir

Travelogue: Lakshmi Purnima

For the auspicious occasion of Lakshmi Purnima, Shree Maa and Swamiji recited the Chandi Path in the early morning. The event was broadcast live on Justin TV, which could be viewed from our Webcam Page.

Shiva Cave Temple and Shiva Sahasranam

Swamiji-Chanting-in-Bangalore-275x367After the Chandi Path recitation, Swamiji and a group of devotees visited a well-known Shiva Cave Temple, Gavi Gangadhareshwar.

This remarkable temple is a cave, which seems like a refuge from the city life around it. In fact, it is said that the city of Bangalore was built around this temple!

The temple priests were so pleased to hear that Swamiji had come to chant for Lord Shiva that they invited the entire group to sit in the main sanctuary facing the Shiva Lingam.

There, Swamiji and the group recited the Shiva Sahasranam, the 1000 Names of Lord Shiva.

Swamji’s chanting of the names of Shiva echoed throughout of the temple, inspiring all of those who were present. A strong energy was felt as Swamiji neared the final names of the Sahasranam.

Upon completion, the temple priest presented a flower garland to Swamiji and gave him a cloth as an offering of respect. Swamiji then made Parikram, circumambulating the temple, and took darshan of the other Gods and Goddesses present.

Afterwards, Swamji recounted:

“It is wonderful to have the local priests accept our sadhana!

There are very few Sadhus who worship in the Samasthi tradition, the universal tradition. But, wherever they go, they can be in harmony with everyone, and everyone respects and appreciates them.

If you are going to learn puja, then why not learn the Samasti Upasana (Cosmic Puja)?

It is your passport to freedom; wherever you go you will be able to be in harmony with everyone in every tradition.”

Lakshmi Puja and Lakshmi Sahasranam

Later the same day, Shree Maa and Swamiji led the devotees in Lakshmi Puja and the chanting of the Lakshmi Sahasranam, the 1000 names of Goddess Lakshmi.

Swamiji projected the mantra’s from his iPad onto the wall so that everyone in attendance could join the chanting. This event was also broadcasted for viewers all over the world.

Singing and Prasad

Everyone then performed Arati.

After Arati, Shree Maa led the group in singing devotional songs for Vishnu and the Divine Mother.

Everyone was inspired to join in the singing!

Shree Maa and Swamiji then blessed all the devotees – our beloved Shree Maa offered prasad while Swamiji blessed each devotee with a tilak.

It was a special moment watching Shree Maa lovingly witness Her children enjoy the prasad which had been offered in the Lakshmi worship.

She would often inquire about anyone who had left without taking food, and was constantly making sure everyone was satisfied and full.

That is the love of the Divine Mother. As all are Her children, She is concerned about the welfare of all who come to see Her.

Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!

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