Devi Mandir

About Us

About Us

Shree Maa and Swamiji are spiritual teachers who have inspired millions toward realizing their highest potential as Divine Souls.

Divine teachings have been passed down from great Spiritual Masters; our spiritual practices are from the tradition of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
“The Highest Respect We Can Show to Any Guru is to Become One with God”
~ Shree Maa and Swamiji


We believe that all bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit.

We live to honor God in loving service to all beings & attentive devotion to the pursuit of self-realization.

Our purpose is to inspire the worship of the divine and to teach people how to worship with the greatest sincerity.


Our vision is to establish a temple in every home and in every heart.

Our goal is to demonstrate the sincerity of our convictions through efficiency in our every action.

Our hope is to empower people to spiritual and economic independence through the principles of Sanatana Dharma, the ideal of perfection.


“The work that you, Swami Satyananda and Shree Maa, are performing will be remembered by history as a tremendous benefit not only to Hindu culture, but also to all of mankind.”  

~ Swami Purnananda Giri

“Just knowing you is a blessing, to have you as a teacher the greatest of fortunes, and to receive sadhana practice from you, a true grace. I bow to you over and over again.”  

~ Nelson Armando

“Thank you for the joy that you bring and for the enthusiasm you have renewed in my heart!”  

~ Marty

“I have had the grace to experience the Divine Presence of many Sadhus in this life, but Swamiji’s generosity and enthusiasm of Spirit is something very rare and precious.”  

~ Muktimaa

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