Devi Mandir

Vishnu Worship Questions

Vishnu Sahasranam


In chanting the Vishnu Sahasranam, if you only have a limited amount of time, is it better to chant just the thousand names or just the puja? If you really are short on time can you break up the chanting of the thousand names into two separate sittings and should you do puja before both?

Swamiji Says:

It would be best to continue to practice each section, until it flows comfortably. Then link them all together, and the recitation will be yours.

Worship of Shalagram


In the Skanda Puranas , Lord Siva speaking to Skanda states, “In this mortal world, if anyone does not worship Shalagram Sila, I do not at all accept any of their worship and obeisances.” Will Lord Shiva only accept my obeisance or all other worship of him only if I worship the Shalagram? Has all my previous worship been for nought because I did not worship the Shalagram. I am confused and perturbed about this.

Swamiji Says:

No, that is not the meaning.

The Shalagram is the symbol of Lord Vishnu. The shloka means that those who honor Shiva, but not Vishnu, are not pure devotees in Shiva’s perception. There is only One God. Those who discriminate as to what this One God is called are not devotees of the One God.

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