In this extraordinary video, Swami Satyanada Saraswati conveys the meaning of the Satya Nārāyaṇa Vrat Puja, which will be performed by devotees around the world each month on the Full Moon day. The word “Satya” means truth and “Nārāyaṇa” is the Manifestation of the All Pervading Consciousness, represented as Lord Vishnu. Maha Vishnu (Maha means […]
Vishnu Worship Questions
Vishnu Sahasranam Question: In chanting the Vishnu Sahasranam, if you only have a limited amount of time, is it better to chant just the thousand names or just the puja? If you really are short on time can you break up the chanting of the thousand names into two separate sittings and should you do […]
Rama Navami
Rama Navami (Sanskrit: राम नवमी, rāma navamī) celebrates the day of Śrī Rāma’s birth to King Daśaratha and Queen Kausalya in the city of Ayodhya – the Place of Perfect Peace. We celebrate Rāma Navamī on the 9th day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month called Chaitra, which usually falls in April. This […]
Sundar Kanda Series: Recitation in English
The Sundar Kanda is the Beautiful Chapter from the Ramayana. It describes how Pure Devotion in the form of a flying monkey (Hanuman) jumps over the ocean of worldliness to find the Pure Nature of Consciousness.
In this series, Swami Satyananda Saraswati reads the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. It is filled with delight!
Rama Gayatri Mantra
Listen to the audio:
Rama Bija Mantra
Sundar Kanda Chanting: Episode 1
This podcast is the first part of chanting of the Sundar Kanda at the Devi Mandir in 2006.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 1
This part of the Sundar Kanda podcast is the introduction to the story. Swani explains the background to this particular chapter of the Tulsidas Ramayana. He also explains the beauty of the Sundar Kanda and how gives us a representation of perfection in every relationship.
Sundar Kanda Chanting: Episode 2
This podcast is the second part of chanting of the Sundar Kanda at the Devi Mandir in 2006.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 2
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami begins reading the Sundar Kanda in English. Swami also answers questions from devotees related to the Sundar Kanda and spiritual life.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 3
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami continues reading the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. Swami also discusses various topics with devotees related to the meaning of the Sundar Kanda and what role it plays in our lives.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 4
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami continues reading the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. In this part of story Hanuman returns to Sri Rama with the news that he had met Sita.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 5
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami continues reading the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. This episode covers the same part of the story as the last episode but is on a different occasion and has a different conversations between Swami and devotees.
Sundar Kanda: Episode 6
In this part of the Sundar Kanda podcast Swami continues reading the English translation of the Sundar Kanda. This episode begins with Vibhishana trying to convince Ravana, the Ego, to give up his enmity with Sri Rama.
Sundar Kanda Series: Chanting
The Sundar Kanda is the Beautiful Chapter from the Ramayana. It describes how Pure Devotion in the form of a flying monkey (Hanuman) jumps over the ocean of worldliness to find the Pure Nature of Consciousness.
In this series, Shree Maa, Swamiji, and devotees chant the Sundar Kanda in Sanskrit with musical accompaniment and uplifting devotion.