The Shree Maa Asana Sequence is a holistic spiritual practice which creates and maintains a divine vibration and a soothing peacefulness in body, mind, and soul. It is excellent for use as a daily spiritual discipline.
Shree Maa’s yoga practice takes four aspects of Yoga – Asana (physical postures), Mantra (chant), Pranayama (breath control), and Meditation – and weaves them together into one discipline. This weaving together of our spiritual knowledge and practices reflects our understanding of the word Tantra, which literally means “to weave like the warp and woof of a cloth.”
The Benefits of Mantra in Yoga Practice
Mantra – Man Trayate – means “that which takes away the thinking/opinion part of the mind.” By thinking about the mantra, we become free from other thoughts and cultivate its divine vibration within.
In the Shree Maa Asana Sequence, each asana is held for the length of time for you to recite one (or more) mantra(s). For example, you could choose the Mantra Om Namah Shivaya (meaning I bow to the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness) and chant the mantra out loud, or mentally, while holding the pose.
Using Mantra during our yoga asanas has special benefits as best outlined in Chapter Seven of the Devi Gita:

For a beginner, apply one mantra to each asana. As you advance, you can add more recitations of the mantra, or even change the rhythm and control of the breath (Pranayama). You may also do multiple rounds of the standing asana to increase the length of the practice.
A great place to start is following along with this video, as Shree Maa chants the Gayatri Mantra:
Asana Sequence:
Follow this sequence of positions, remembering to hold each asana for the duration of your chosen mantra.
Standing at Ease
#1 Prakshan/Tadasana – (hands in prayer position standing up straight)
#2 Uttihita Tadasana – (reaching the arms up)
#3 Uttanasana – (standing forward fold)
#4 Left Leg Lunge – (left leg forward)
#5 Virabhadrasana I – Warrior 1 (left leg forward, right leg back, arms reaching up)
#6 Virabhadrasana II – Warrior 2 (left leg and arm forward, right leg and arm reaches back)
#7 Left Leg Lunge – (left leg forward)
#8 Adho Mukha Shvanasana/ Parvatasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose/ Mountain Pose
#9 Udhva Mukha Shvanasana/ Bhujangasana – Upward Facing Dog/Cobra Pose
#10 Inverted Shavasana – Lying on Stomach – (head to the side) Rest
#11 Ardha Dhanurasana – (Half Bow) Both Right and Left
#12 Dhanurasana – (Bow Pose)
#14 Full Locust – Both Legs
#15 Virasana/ Vajrasana – Hero’s Pose (legs folded back, sitting between the thighs with the calfs to the outside)
#16 Supta Virasana – Reclined Hero’s Pose (laying back on the floor, legs remain the same)
#17 Balasana – Child’s Pose (folding forward, legs remain the same)
#18 Adho Mukha Shvanasana/ Parvatasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose/ Mountain Pose
#19 Right Leg Lunge – (right leg forward)
#20 Virabhadrasana I – Warrior 1 (right leg forward, left leg back, arms reaching up)
#21 Virabhadrasana II – Warrior 2 (right leg and arm forward, left leg and arm reaches back)
#22 Right Leg Lunge – (right leg forward)
#23 Uttanasana – (standing forward fold)
#24 Uttihita Tadasana – (reaching the arms up)
#25 Prakshan/Tadasana – (hands in prayer postition standing up straight)
Standing at Ease, Transition to Sitting
#26 One Leg Seated Fold – (both right leg forward and left leg forward)
#27 Paschimotanasana – (seated two leg forward fold)
#28 Leg lift – (Laying on the back lift the legs a few inches off the floor)
#29 Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand
#30 Halasana – Plow Pose (Remaining in Should Stand, keeping the legs straight, bring the feet to the floor over your head)
#31 Leg lift – (Exiting from Shoulder Stand keep the legs lifted a few inches off the floor)
#32 Shavasana – Corpse Pose (Rest lying flat on the back) note: this is only held for the same length as the other poses
#33 Ardha Matsyendrasana – Seated Twist (right and left)
#34 Baddha Konasana – Bound Angle Pose (seated with soles of feet together)
#35 Padmasana – Lotus Pose
#36 Supta Padmasana – Reclining Lotus Pose (laying back, legs remain in Padmasana)
#37 Urdhva Padmasana– Shoulder Stand with Lotus Pose
#38 Chakrasana – Role to the side out of Urdhva Padmasana (note: this is a transition, not a pose to hold, please exercise caution in practicing)
#39 Padmasana – Lotus Pose
#40 Golasana – (place one foot behind the head and sit up, both right and left sides)
#41 Swatikasna – Auspicious Pose or Padmasana – Lotus Pose