Last Updated on May 24, 2008 by
If we are vigilant, and continue to pray and do sadhana a time will come when we are fixed in good thoughts and no evil thoughts will enter our kingdom.
We should be pleased if She blesses us with even one good thought. And more so if we can chant the Chandi everyday.
Customs and congenialities of learning:
1. Bring attitude of highest respect. Srim. Sh mean shanti, peace
2. Listen to the Guru with total equanimity.
3. Do not debate or show off.
4. Learn with attitude of peace. The first qualification of a true seeker.
5. Don’t go empty handed to the Guru. A flower, wood for havan, fruits or sweets to feed devotees as a token of your sense of privilege.
6. Always bow down with all of your energy and consciousness.
7. Wait for the Master to invite you to be seated.
We all know how to become realized. The only thing that prevents us from becoming and remaining in self-realization is our attachments.
Wherever there is something known by the senses, She is present.
If you have sankalpa to bring Her into manifestation, if that is the goal of your being, She becomes manifest.
Consciousness means to perceive.
Think of all that goes in through your organs of perception: Madhu and Kaitabha, too much and too little are there.
Kaitabha means insignificant as an insect. Too little.
Madhu means as sweet as honey. Too sweet, too much.
The meditation of chapter 1 can be used as a visualization whenever we want to battle too much and too little.
Questions and Answers
1. Can you please speak about the Bow of Determination. How does one develop an iron will and determination? It will be great if you can share from your life and experience.
When we fall in love with a greater love, all our little loves pale in insignificance. Swamiji’s sankalpa was a love affair. He fell in love and so now when He gets up in the morning to sing the Chandi is the most natural thing to do. Sankalpa became the natural way of life.
2. Is there a relation between the ajna chakra and will power?
Ajna means orders. Orders come from Lord Shiva. More we focus on ajna chakra, we stay with the reason and we cultivate sankalpa power.
3. Could you please talk about who are the employees of Good Thoughts and the family of Pure Intuitive Perception?
Sadhus who are sharing inspiration and knowledge are the employees of good thoughts.
4. Is it custom to directly give the flowers or fruits to the Master, or, rather, is it preferred to bring the gifts to the temple and arrange the flowers or fruits in the Temple and not place them at the feet of the Master?
Every temple has its own procedures. Observe and ask someone who would know. Don’t put them at the feet as the flowers cannot be used for puja. Ask the Guru, can I put them on the vase, organize them for you, or give them to you, etc.?
5. My mind says nothing would suit me more than to give up all attachments but in reality there is family responsibility and all that comes with it. How does one with family let it ALL go?
You don’t. No way. What you do is make it an offering to the Goddess. Goddess you gave me this family. I don’t give up my responsibility. I give up my attachment to my responsibility. I am serving God by doing this puja. This is the puja God gave you. I am doing this cheerfully and happily. That’s the way.
6. How to be unattached while living in the world?
Use one hand to do work of world and with the other grab on to God and don’t let go. Maa says be like a fish in the mud. It’s in the mud but nothing sticks to it. Be efficient. Don’t waste time and resources. Offer these to God. That efficiency is a sadhu.
7. At what age should we start reflecting on our detachment?
As soon as possible. The moment you wake up.
8. The whole idea of sacrifice. What the birds are doing seems like sacrifice to me, or the law of reciprocal maintenance, whereas humans are attached and want something back. Isn’t the whole manifested universe about sacrifice?
Yes it is. When we realize the importance of sacrifice we live in peace. Yajna means the union between the fire that burns outside and the fire inside the ajna chakra.
9. Madhu and Kaitabha attack Brahma and not Vishnu, why?
They know they cannot devour infinite consciousness. But they can stifle our creative capacity.
10. What are the oblations of purity in verse 73? Are they invoked in a specific context?
Anytime we make an offering with purity, with pure intention, pure words, that offering is oblation of purity.