The Guru is not only a physical being, but also a reflection of divinity through a human body. This divinity is manifest through pure qualities and beautiful attributes. The Guru shows the example to follow and provides the inspiration which gives us the energy to proceed.
How do we best serve the Guru? How do we act, behave, and show respect to the Guru? The Guru Gita is a scriptural text from the Skanda Purana that explains the Guru-Disciple relationship. It is an important scripture for all disciples to understand.
In this class, Swamiji will share his wisdom on the Guru-Disciple relationship and will explain how the disciple can best serve the Guru. Swamiji will also share some of the amazing stories from his own personal experiences as both a guru and a disciple.
Get your copy of the Guru Gita, which is included in the text Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess, and join the class! The Guru Gita is also available to download as an iPad App.
Tune in to Shree Maa and Swamiji’s class on the live webcam at 6:00pm every weekday!
Guru Gita: Video Class 1
For every desire which an individual pursues, there is someone who sets an example and demonstrates the means to its attainment. Every time an individual becomes inspired to take a new course of action, a “guru”, who is the example, conveys that inspiration. The ancient rishis maintained three primary desires: 1) dharma – to attain an ideal of perfection; 2) artha – to procure that amount of material necessary to the attainment of that ideal; and 3) kama – to become free from all other desires. The perfection of these three desires leads to moksha, which means liberation, otherwise known as self-realization.
Guru Gita: Video Class 2
Verses 1 to 15
In class two, Swamiji translates verses 1 through 15, and explains each verse in depth. The discourse begins with Shiva and Shakti, who are united on Mount Kailas. The Goddess asked Lord Shiva, “Please give me initiation of the Guru.” Lord Shiva’s response commences the instruction of how to become a true disciple. Swamiji explains the importance of integrating the wisdom of the Guru Gita into our daily lives. If we study this text, and we do not make changes in our lives, then we are wasting our time.
Guru Gita: Video Class 3
Verses 16 to 30
In this class, Swamiji translates verses 16 to 30 and explains the importance of surrender and devotion to the Guru. It is customary for a devotee to point the highest part of his or her own self towards the lowest part of the Guru. Bowing to the Guru’s feet puts the devotee in a position conducive to receive the Guru’s blessings because the laws of gravity cause the blessings to flow down. This is why the Guru’s feet are so venerated. Lord Shiva, the Supreme Guru, states in the Guru Gita: “Not contemplating anything but Me, makes the highest status easy. Therefore, all efforts should be made to please the Guru.” Swamiji interprets this by emphasizing the importance of letting go of selfishness in order to unite with the Guru.
Guru Gita: Video Class 4
Verses 31 to 45
In Guru Gita class four, Swamiji declares, “What a privilege it is to have a body that we can dedicate to the Guru!” Swamiji reminds us that the physical body is the source of pain and distraction, and will ultimately be scattered to ashes. He then asks the class, “Why are we so attached to the physical body, which is transient? Would it not be wiser to cultivate attachment to the Soul, which is Eternal?” When we fall in love with the Soul, we are attaching ourselves to something permanent. Swamiji explains that it is the Guru who shows us how we can cultivate an eternal love affair for the evolution of the soul. Jai Gurudev!
Guru Gita: Video Class 5
Verses 46 to 60
Verses 46 to 60 of the Guru Gita states that the Respected Guru reflects the intrinsic nature of Supreme Divinity beyond all qualities. Therefore, we should worship the feet of the Guru with all of our consciousness. Swamiji describes the various aspects of the Guru, both with and without form, and then reminds us that that these aspects of the Guru are the same principles described in the Tattva Jnana (the knowledge of the principles). Therefore, we should become like children and bow to the feet of the Guru, with the goal of giving up all attachment to ego and attachment.
Guru Gita: Video Class 6
Verses 61 to 75
In class 6, Swamiji discusses verses 61 to 75 in depth and offers rich insight into the power of humility. He also discusses the importance of paying attention in order to serve the Guru with sincere efficiency. As an example, He tells the story of how Agastya Muni humbled Vindya, the Mountain of Knowledge. There is no principle higher than the Guru, so it behooves devotees and disciples to approach the Guru with the utmost humility and sincerity.
Guru Gita: Video Class 7
Verses 76 to 91
In class 7, Swamiji explains that the Guru is the Supreme Lord of the Universe, the highest manifestation of Divinity. There is nothing greater than the Guru! The root of all meditation is the image of the Guru. The root of all worship is the Guru’s feet. The root of all mantras is the word of the Guru. The root of all liberation is the Guru’s grace. Swamiji emphasizes that we must integrate this knowledge into our lives and apply this wisdom to the circumstances of life. Completely worship your Guru!
Guru Gita: Video Class 8
Verses 92 to 105
In verses 91 to 105 of the Guru Gita, Swamiji explains that “cit” is pure consciousness and “citta” consists of the objects of awareness, such as buddhi (objective knowledge) and mana (subjective knowledge). The Guru wears all white, which represents purity and the absence of all opinions. Swamiji asks, “Can you see the Guru as the Soul of All that is Knowable? Can you treat every atom of creation with the same respect as you would want to treat your Guru?” Love the Guru everywhere! There is no other path to realize God.
Guru Gita Video Class 9
Verses 106 to 145
The Guru is the source of all inspiration and the renewal of energy. Whenever we feel depleted, the loving remembrance of the Guru will uplift us and inspire us to move forward. The Guru’s Grace is the consecrated offering by which the soul is perceived. Swamiji says, “You can’t perceive your soul without Grace, and you can’t get Grace without doing something. By means of this path, the wisdom of one’s soul rises.” Swamiji also explains the inner meaning of liberation in the consecrated offering, the sacred syllables, and in form.
Guru Gita: Video Class 10
Verses 146 to End
Verses 146 to the 182 divulge the secret to living with God, and explain the fruits of reciting the Guru Gita. When we treat the Guru as we would want to treat God, then we receive the blessing of living with God. When we chant the Guru Gita with the desire for liberation, we will get liberation. When we recite with a worldly desire, the desire will be fulfilled by either giving us what we want, or by the removal of the desire. Either way, the Guru Gita acts as the Cow which fulfills all wishes.
Guru Gita: Video Class 11
Questions and Answers Part 1
In this class, Swamiji answers questions from the devotees and offers insight into the relationship between the Guru and Disciple. He teaches us how to come into harmony with the Guru and how to sincerely surrender to the Guru’s example.
Guru Gita: Video Class 12
Questions and Answers Part 2
This video is part two of Swamiji answering the questions from devotees online and in the temple. Among some of the beautiful answers, Swamiji says, “When we effectively apply knowledge to our circumstances and evolve a greater harmony, we are exercising wisdom, and that’s the goal.”