Last Updated on September 17, 2016 by

Tattva Jnana Video Class 1
Introduction and Study of the Threes
In this class, Swamiji describes the harmony of the threes including the gunas and kamakala. Swamiji defines OM and the process of creation and describes how all the threes pervade all of existence.
Tattva Jnana Video Class 2
Study of the Threes Continued
In this video Swamiji continues the study of the threes with the three debts of karma. He describes the way to balance the purusharthas: dharma, karma, artha, and moksha. He explains what it means to be a sadhu, and the importance of spirituality defined as giving more than you take.
Tattva Jnana Video Class 3
Behaviors of Spiritual Aspirants, Dasanami Tribes, and Rites of Passage
In this video, Swamiji discusses the 4 stages of life, the 3 debts of life, the 8 behaviors of a spiritual aspirant, the 10 tribes of Sannyasis and the 10 rites of passage in the life of a Hindu.
Tattva Jnana Video Class 4
Behaviors of Spiritual Aspirants, Schools of Philosophy
In this video, Swamiji continues his discussion on the 9 behaviors of spiritual aspirants, and he describes the 7 schools of traditional Indian Philosophy from charvak which is a materialist philosophy, to Uttar Mimamsa, which is Vedanta. Swamiji elaborates upon Siddhantachara and describes the importance of worship, recitation of scriptures, fire ceremonies, singing songs, dancing, explanation, and offering.
Tattva Jnana Video Class 5
Behaviors of Spiritual Aspirants Continued, the Path of Sound, Subjects of Sanskrit Study, Meters and Pranayam
In this class, Swamiji recounts the importance and application of Siddhantachar, which is the behavior according to scripture: Worship, Recitation of scripture, Fire ceremony, Singing, Dancing, Explaining the process, and Offering. He discusses the 6 subjects of Sanskrit, the 7 meters of Sanskrit as a mathematical formula designed to measure the breath while practicing pranayam.
Tattva Jnana Video Class 6
Philosophy and Its Application in Meditation
In this class, Swamiji discusses the systems of philosophy in greater detail. He leads the class through the difficulties of the mind as it strives to move deeper within. Swamiji discusses the importance to overcome subjective thought on the way to one-pointed-meditation.
Tattva Jnana Video Class 7
The Study of Philosophy Continued
In this class, Swamiji continues to discuss the Shankya philosophy and begins to discuss Yoga philosophy and Purva Mimamsa. Yoga Philosopy includes the 8 limbs, or as Swamiji says, “Stepping Stones” that lead us into union. Purva Mimamsa is the path of tantra whereby we use the 36 principles to guide our awareness from the body back to the source of creation. What a class!
Tattva Jnana Video Class 8
The Tantric Path of Integration Through Paddhoti
Swamiji discusses the process of bringing our awareness through the gross perceptions to the subtlest principles. He discusses the different modes of translating and understanding Sanskrit. As the kundalini rises with practice, our understanding of Sanskrit grows and our experience in the subtler realms of consciousness expands.
Tattva Jnana Video Class 9
The Vedas
Swamiji recaps the process of the 36 principles and then begins to discuss the Vedas. He tells the story of the birth of Veda Vyas, and how he separated the Vedas into 4: Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva. After separating the Vedas, Vyas took one great statement which summarized the essence of each Veda, which creates the poem, “Prajnanam Brahma, Tat Twam Asi, Ayam Atma Brahma, Aham Brahmashmi.”
Tattva Jnana Video Class 10
Tattwa Jnana: Class 10 – The 5’s, the 6’s, the 7’s, the 8’s, 9’s, and 10’s.
In this video Swamiji discusses the 5 faces of Shiva, the 8 Siddhis, the 9 Planets and other divine attributes of the numbers. In the beginning of the class Swamiji recaps how we started the Tattwa Jnana and in the last half of the class, Swamiji answers questions from devotees.
Tattva Jnana Video Class 11
Tattwa Jnana: Class 11 – The 10 Directions, 11 Rudras, and 12 Jyotir Lingams and Finally, Vedanta
In this video, Swamiji summarizes the path of Tattwa Jnana, and talks about about the 10’s, 11’s 12’s and Vedanta. Sri Vidya is also mentioned and described, along with the application The journey of the 36 principles to Uttar Mimamsa leads our awareness from the grossest to the subtlest. The behaviors of a spiritual seeker, the philosophies and other subjects of study accompany the method by which this is done. This class is a great summary of the entire Tattwa Jnana series.