The Devi Mandir offers numerous books in other languages free of charge to you.
We only have one request — that you do not turn our love and devotion which inspired these efforts into a commercial project, or seek to profit materially from the labors of our volunteer crew.
We want this knowledge to be part of our legacy, so we request you to share our love and our blessings with fellow spiritual seekers, who can download a free copy of these books in many languages.
Below are the links to pdfs in the languages that we have completed so far.
Before you download, Please send us your email so we can inform you of future offerings.
Jai Maa!
Annapurna Puja in Bengali
Tantra Bijamantratmaka in Bengali
Chandi Path in Bengali
Cosmic Puja (Samasti Upasana) in Bengali
Durga Beginners Puja in Bengali
Ganeshatharvashirsham in Bengali
Lalita Sahasranam in Bengali Rudrastadhyayi Tikka Bhashya in Bengali
Santoshi Maa Puja in Bengali
Saheb Sadhu in Bengali
Sahib Sadhu in Bengali
Samasti Chandi Bijamantratmaka in Bengali
Shiva Beginners Puja in Bengali
Chandi Path in Dutch with book cover
Devi Gita in Dutch
Shiva Puja Anfänger (Beginner) in Dutch
Shiva Puja and Advanced Yajna in Dutch
Vishnu Puja in Dutch
Joyaux de Sagesse (Gems of Wisdom)
Saraswati Puja für Kinder (Saraswati Puja for Children)
Chandi Path in Hindi
Tattva Jnana in Hindi
Antes De Tornar (Before Becoming This)
Chandi Path (in four parts): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Ganesh Puja in Portuguese
Kali Puja (in two parts): Part 1, Part 2
Lalita Trishati
Os Sagrados Ensinamentos (Gems of Wisdom)
Pronuncia E Chandi Samputs (Pronunciation and Chandi Samputs)
Ramakrishna: Nectar of Eternal Bliss
Sahib Sadhu
Shree Maa: A Vida de Uma Santa (Shree Maa: The Story of a Saint)
Shree Maa: Guru e a Deusa (Shree Maa: The Guru and the Goddess)
Swami Purana
Aparajita Stotram español
Rudrashtadhyayi in Spanish
Ramakrishna, El Néctar de la Dicha Eterna
Chandi Path in Tamil
Beginner Shiva Puja in Tamil
Turkish: Shiva Beginners Puja in Turkish