Congratulations to those who participated in the group Sankalpa!
This Sankalpa was completed on Guru Purnima, July 22nd 2013. The group completed more than twice the number of recitations …read more
Temple of Divine Mother
Congratulations to those who participated in the group Sankalpa!
This Sankalpa was completed on Guru Purnima, July 22nd 2013. The group completed more than twice the number of recitations …read more
Shree Maa has blessed us to perform a new Sankalpa!
Shree Maa lovingly chooses these powerful mantras in order to create a specific benefit in each of our lives. The collective effort in chanting the Sankalpa at the same time as hundreds of other devotees also creates special benefits for the whole universe.…read more
Shree Maa regularly gives Sankalpas (spiritual resolves) to Her children and She has just blessed us to perform a new Sankalpa! Shree Maa chooses these mantras in order to create a specific benefit in each of our lives. The collective effort in chanting the Sankalpa at the same time as hundreds of other devotees also […]
We have over 50 participants that have signed up for the Guru Purnima Sankalpa 2013 . Several of the participants are long time devotees of the Mandir, and some are newcomers. Thank you to all for your loving response. The goal is to reach a total of 1008 malas, and 108 Guru Gitas on or […]
~~OM~~ Shree Maa has asked devotees to pray for World Peace by chanting at least 5 malas of the Sarva Badha mantra immediately followed by “Durge Durge Rakshaani Hum Phat Svaha”, daily. One mala equals 108 repetitions. The Sarva Badha mantra is from verse 39 of Chapter 11 of the Chandi Path. To hear Shree […]
Shree Maa and Swamiji’s Message
“Dear Beloved Children, Thanks for helping to bring peace to yourselves and this universe. We are very proud of you. This year please recite the following mantra: “saranaagata diinaarta paritraana paraayane sarvasyaarti hare devi naaraayani namo-stu te” (Translation: For those who are devoted to you and take refuge in you, even though helpless and perplexed, you save them from all discomfort and unhappiness. All worry you take away, Oh Goddess, Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.” Please do at least one maala (108 times) each day for 2008. With your prayer this world will get peace.”
Shree Maa and Swamiji
Aparna |
1836 |
Devi |
3888 |
Leela |
864 |
Morningsong |
756 |
Nanda |
1080 |
Ramya |
1080 |
Rosario |
540 |
Srini |
1080 |
Steve |
4536 |
Total |
16660 |
Congratulations to Debi on completion of her sankalpa!!! She shared her exhilaration with us and says "Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!"
Donna from Florida admits that the sankalpa is not always smooth . "At times it got tough" she said and there were days she "just didnt want to do it" ! This reminds me of a Swamiji story – He once said that (and I paraphrase) regardless of what the mind tries to trick us into, we should "keep our knees down" ie we should keep our asana and continue our sadhana regardless !
Sitara from Toronto , Canada says "This mantra has been wonderful for me." and said that will share the "details soon". We look forward to hearing from you Sitara !
Sundari from Berkeley wrote in to share this
"The sankalpa has really helped me deepen my regular practice in beautiful ways. The UPS is such a huge goal to work toward – 100,000 repetitions just can’t be done in a day. Or maybe it can, if you recite really fast! (It would require 7 repetitions per minute for 24 hours straight.) With what I am able to do (anywhere between 3-10 malas a day), I just have to come back to it every day, whether I’m feeling like it or not. I feel a sense of accomplishment at every major milestone, but also humbled and challenged by the weight of what is left. And inspired, too! I believe that such a strong and sweet intention can and will transform world consciousness, eventually.
The support from the online community has been especially powerful, and the whole thing inspired me to deepen my sadhana."
All the very best to you Sundari !
Here are the numbers for those of us that preferred to chant the mantra at the fire (Week ending March 18th 2007)
Name |
Number of Mantras
Swamiji & Mandir Residents |
Michael |
Janitri |
Mousumi |
Parvati |
Total |
And for those of us that chanted without the fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Arati |
Babu |
Bharata |
Bharati |
Brendan |
Carie |
Chocatane |
Chris K |
Chris W |
Debi |
Donna |
Durga |
Egyirba |
Eric |
Gauri |
Georgiann |
Henny |
Janitri |
Jayadeva |
Julia |
Kalachandra |
Kaliananda |
Kamalaji |
Kanda |
Karen |
Kathy |
Marsha |
Maruthi |
Mausumi |
Michael |
Michele |
Morningsong |
Muktimaa |
Nickolas |
Nirmal |
Nirmalananda |
Nanda |
Papia |
Patty |
Prasana |
Prathibha |
Raghu |
Rebeca |
Rick Veda |
Robin |
Rolf |
Rukmani |
Sadhu Maa |
Shubal |
Sitara |
Sundari |
Shankari |
Surya |
Susan |
Usha |
Vasantha |
Wendel |
Wendy |
Vinay |
Visveshwar |
Yogini |
Total |
Congratulations to Surya for completing the sankalpa ! He completed 111,111 recitations. Thank you Surya for blessing this universe with your sadhana. Surya had a few words to share on his experience, but first here is a Q&A with our beloved Swamiji.
Sadhu Maa had two questions on the meaning of the mantra.
Sadhu Maa asked : In the UPS mantra there is reference to "the three worlds". Will you please explain what is meant by "the three worlds"?
Swamiji says: The gross body, subtle body and causal body: what can be perceived through the senses, conceived in the mind, and known through intuition.
Sadhu Maa asked: When we say "and in like manner, remove from us all hostility", are we talking about hostility present in our subtle, vital and gross bodies?
Swamiji says: Yes, as well as all hostility within us, or directed to us, and ultimately all hostility from creation.
Here is what Maruthi had to say "I really feel blessed that Shree MAA gave us the opportunity to take part in the Universal Peace Sankalpa."
And here is Surya‘s sharing from this sankalpa – the feeling of what an honor and privilege it is to serve Her.
"I finished the 100,000 repetitions Monday night. I figured since it was Shiva’s Day (and Night) it would be an auspicious way to end, so I pushed it and did the last 4030 reps that day/night. Now I am just finishing another 11,111 so that I can have a total of 111,111–an auspicious Gauri Shankar number. Om Shiva Shakti Aikya Rupinyai Namah!
This sadhana has really changed me and my outlook on many things. Some shift definitely occured that night. I really felt a big change starting on Maha Shivaratri and this "sealed the deal", so to speak.
I decided that from now on, I am going to really apply myself to see everything in my life as a true and beautiful gift from the Goddess.
I am truly thankful for all these Blessings She has given me. My family, my partner, my kids and all that makes up my life. I gladly accept my karma and dharma and will work hard to live up to what is required of me.
I must admit that becoming a householder has been a very difficult road for me. In many ways I have fought it tooth and nail. But this was/is just silly. Everything is how it should be and I am very grateful for it.
We can always choose to look at our circumstances in many different ways. We can complain about our lot in life or we can see that it is all Her Will and be grateful for the Honor and Privilege of Serving Her, the Universe and Our Self in the way that She has chosen for us. She always knows what is Best for us and gives us Everything we need, even without us asking for it. So why not trust Her?
It is said that Life is what you make it. I firmly believe this. The grass isn’t greener anywhere else. So lets make Life a Celebration–a Truly Joyous Event. Lets revel in the Bliss. This is my ideal that I am going to do my utmost to embody each and every day."
Thanks Sadhu Maa for your questions, and to Maruthi and Surya for sharing your sentiments.
Here are the numbers for those of us that preferred to chant the mantra at the fire (Week ending March 4th 2007)
Name |
Number of Mantras
Swamiji & Mandir Residents |
Michael |
Janitri |
Mousumi |
Total |
And for those of us that chanted without the fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Babu |
Bharata |
Bharati |
Brendan |
Carie |
Chocatane |
Chris K |
Chris W |
Debi |
Donna |
Durga |
Egyirba |
Eric |
Gauri |
Georgiann |
Henny |
Janitri |
Jayadeva |
Julia |
Kalachandra |
Kaliananda |
Kamalaji |
Kanda |
Karen |
Kathy |
Marsha |
Maruthi |
Mausumi |
Michael |
Michele |
Morningsong |
Muktimaa |
Nickolas |
Nirmal |
Nirmalananda |
Nanda |
Papia |
Parvati |
Patty |
Prasana |
Prathibha |
Raghu |
Rebeca |
Rick Veda |
Robin |
Rolf |
Rukmani |
Sadhu Maa |
Shubal |
Sitara |
Sundari |
Shankari |
Surya |
Susan |
Usha |
Vasantha |
Wendel |
Wendy |
Vinay |
Visveshwar |
Yogini |
Total |
Week 6 of the Sankalpa has completed. Some of us are trying to keep up with this sankalpa AND balance a sadhana for Shivaratri AND with the demands that life puts in our way to test our sincerity and resolve in this sadhana!
Shivaratri – reminds me of a Swamiji story. Swamiji had gotten badly scorched at a fire ceremony several years ago, one that he never fully healed from. This Shivaratri, during the chanting of a text, he got more blisters on the same spot that he had been scorched, but to paraphrase his own inimitable words "a little burn is no reason to break one’s asana or sadhana"
May we all derive the inspiration from Swamiji’s sadhana to keep at our tapasya this year . May our minds be filled with that firm determination of Shiva, the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness.
Here is a photo taken at the Dharamshala at the Mandir, in early Jan 2007 – with our friends from New Jersey, learning to pronounce the mantra for this sankalpa. Guess who is who ?
As of Feb 18 2007, here are totals of those of us that prefer to do the sankalpa at the fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Michael | 12960 |
Janitri | 4084 |
Total | 17,044 |
and below are the counts for those of us that do the sadhana without a fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Babu | 1296 |
Bharata | 32000 |
Bharati | 8640 |
Brendan | 2150 |
Carie | 618 |
Chocatane | 13068 |
Chris K | 11448 |
Chris W | 12120 |
Debi | 36828 |
Donna | 15690 |
Durga | 4752 |
Egyirba | 6048 |
Eric | 32508 |
Gauri | 5832 |
Georgiann | 4117 |
Henny | 17496 |
Janitri | 7584 |
Jayadeva | 13824 |
Julia | 10860 |
Kalachandra | 9072 |
Kaliananda | 11988 |
Kamalaji | 9770 |
Kanda | 12960 |
Karen | 14000 |
Kathy | 11044 |
Marsha | 7884 |
Maruthi | 23000 |
Mausumi | 11880 |
Michael | 7884 |
Michele | 4218 |
Morningsong | 15120 |
Muktimaa | 9936 |
Nirmalananda | 9300 |
Nanda | 10115 |
Papia | 11880 |
Parvati | 6480 |
Patty | 13365 |
Prasana | 9568 |
Prathibha | 10617 |
Raghu | 15444 |
Rebeca | 8100 |
Rick Veda | 43740 |
Robin | 9900 |
Rolf | 10800 |
Rukmani | 6048 |
Sadhu Maa | 7668 |
Shubal | 7884 |
Sitara | 1124 |
Sundari | 11340 |
Shankari | 6048 |
Surya | 73224 |
Susan | 11664 |
Usha | 32724 |
Vasantha | 21000 |
Wendel | 10200 |
Wendy | 17712 |
Vinay | 2160 |
Visveshwar | 31512 |
Yogini | 35640 |
Total | 820,892 |
Welcome to the latest addition to our sankalpa group – Brendan from Massachusetts. Congratulations to Michael for completing his sankalpa at the fire.
Thanks to our participants Shankari Kali and Henny for sharing their progress on the sankalpa. Here is what Shankari Kali has to say
"I have noticed that since I started the peace sankalpa, I have developed more
discipline. This has affected many areas of my life. I could never stick with
anything. My weight was spiralling out of control, and my health was
deteriorating. By requiring myself to say this daily as many times as I could
muster, I even noticed that I had more energy. I have since developed a daily
exercise program.
I have been saying at least two malas of Om Namah Shivaya everyday along with other mantras. I have never had this much energy or desire to meditate."
And here is what Henny has to say
"The first week, I embarked upon daily chanting as one more task to be done and my chanting was very much directed outwards. I was chanting to someone ‘out here’, and in fact the volume was loud enough to be heard by the neighbours, I think. And I was very conscious of myself sitting there, chanting, and there was a feeling of ‘wanting to get the job done’.
Then one afternoon (early morning in California), I tuned into the live broadcast from the Devi Mandir, and I heard a Devi Mandir sadhu doing japa very, very quietly, tenderly and with great patience, and just listening to that voice made me realize what I had been doing. So, the next time I sat down for japa, I ‘listened’ to the memory of that voice in my mind, and that made me more centered and quiet, and then I began my chanting.
Gradually, over the next few days, I was gently drawn inside to the Presence listening within. And my chanting followed and it has become much more subtle, softer, and also much more peaceful. And now, when the mantra has taken me to that inner place where She listens, I forget to think about myself as one who chants, and chanting goes on inside of its own accord. Now, it is no longer a task to be accomplished, but an opportunity to enter into the Presence more and more, and something to look forward to. "
In the words of Swamiji, "We are trying to give ourselves the privilege of loving passionately"
As of Feb 11 2007, here are totals of those of us that prefer to do the sankalpa at the fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Michael | 12960 |
Janitri | 4084 |
Total | 17,044 |
and below are the counts for those of us that do the sadhana without a fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Babu | 1296 |
Bharata | 25000 |
Bharati | 8424 |
Brendan | 2150 |
Carie | 360 |
Chocatane | 10260 |
Chris K | 9180 |
Chris W | 9351 |
Debi | 26676 |
Donna | 12190 |
Durga | 2808 |
Egyirba | 6048 |
Eric | 27108 |
Gauri | 5400 |
Georgiann | 2591 |
Henny | 15120 |
Janitri | 5316 |
Jayadeva | 11664 |
Julia | 10860 |
Kalachandra | 9072 |
Kaliananda | 10368 |
Kamalaji | 9770 |
Kanda | 10800 |
Karen | 12000 |
Kathy | 8776 |
Marsha | 7884 |
Maruthi | 20000 |
Mausumi | 9720 |
Michael | 7884 |
Michele | 3370 |
Morningsong | 12420 |
Muktimaa | 9288 |
Nirmalananda | 5300 |
Nanda | 9115 |
Papia | 11880 |
Parvati | 4320 |
Patty | 11388 |
Prasana | 9568 |
Prathibha | 10617 |
Raghu | 13284 |
Rebeca | 8100 |
Rick Veda | 34020 |
Robin | 7800 |
Rolf | 6264 |
Rukmani | 6048 |
Sadhu Maa | 6804 |
Sadhvi | 25600 |
Shubal | 5616 |
Sitara | 1124 |
Sundari | 11340 |
Shankari | 3780 |
Surya | 73224 |
Susan | 8532 |
Usha | 26136 |
Vasantha | 11000 |
Wendel | 7200 |
Wendy | 15444 |
Vinay | 2160 |
Visveshwar | 24732 |
Yogini | 25920 |
Total | 709,470 |
{ NOTE – If you are wondering about the title "Prathamam Sailaputri Cha", it means "First is the Goddess of Inspiration" and refers to the first of the Navadurgas. To know more about the Navadurgas, please read the Cosmic Puja or Chandi Path (the verse is in the Armor of the Goddess)}
The sankalpa has touched the participants in many many ways. It prompted Vishweshwar, a disciple of Shree Maa to reach out and ask each participant to spread the word and get more people to sign up. Like ever spreading ripples caused by throwing a single pebble into a lake, just one inspiration from Shree Maa has us doing more, and getting the word out to more people. It was also heartwarming to see two fairly "new" additions to the Mandir family, Prathibha and Prasana, energetically share their enthusiasm for the sankalpa with others that had gathered at the Mandir on Sunday. Prathibha, in the true spirit of motivating another, even gifted her friend with her own recently acquired hand tally counter to demonstrate how easy it was to keep adding mantras chanted in random free moments.
First Maa gives us an idea, and then Her beautiful family give it the momentum. May this positive energy continue to generate and bless Mother Earth !
As a group we have crossed 320,000 repetitions of japa and over 9000 at the fire. Here are the numbers as of the week ending 28th Jan 2007.
This is the total for those that preferred to do their sadhana at the fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Michael | 6372 |
Janitri | 3024 |
Total | 9,396 |
and below are the counts for those of us that do the sadhana without a fire
Name |
Number of Mantras
Babu | 1296 |
Bharata | 11000 |
Bharati | 2052 |
Carie | 30 |
Chris | 5076 |
Debi | 8640 |
Donna | 5390 |
Durga | 2808 |
Egyirba | 3780 |
Eric | 11664 |
Gauri | 3132 |
Georgiann | 1583 |
Henny | 6480 |
Janitri | 1624 |
Jayadeva | 7020 |
Julia | 6240 |
Kalachandra | 4536 |
Kaliananda | 6372 |
Kamalaji | 5184 |
Kanda | 6480 |
Karen | 7000 |
Kathy | 3240 |
Marsha | 2484 |
Mausumi | 4752 |
Michele | 1372 |
Morningsong | 7344 |
Muktimaa | 5940 |
Nirmalananda | 2500 |
Nanda | 6900 |
Papia | 5400 |
Parvati | 2700 |
Patty | 6852 |
Prasana | 7000 |
Prathibha | 7201 |
Raghu | 8748 |
Rebeca | 2700 |
Rick Veda | 20412 |
Robin | 3400 |
Rolf | 5076 |
Rukmani | 3672 |
Sadhu Maa | 2376 |
Sadhvi | 8146 |
Shubal | 1512 |
Sundari | 4536 |
Shankari | 2808 |
Surya | 45522 |
Susan | 2916 |
Usha | 13608 |
Wendel | 1296 |
Wendy | 6372 |
Vinay | 2160 |
Visveshwar | 11340 |
Yogini | 11880 |
Total | 320,588 |