Last Updated on August 14, 2022 by

The Devi Gita, which is composed of 12 chapters from the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, is a treasure chest of devotional practices and attitudes which every devotee of the Divine Mother will want to learn and apply.
The Devi Gita teaches a doctrine of holistic spirituality in which all forms of Yoga, such as action (karma yoga), wisdom (jnana yoga), devotion (bhakti yoga) and meditation (dhyana yoga), are united.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s class on the Devi Gita provides a rare opportunity to become absorbed in His wisdom and His bhava (emotional attitude).
Devi Gita Video Class 1
In this first class of the Devi Gita, Swamiji commences the discussion of the philosophy of the worship of the Divine Mother, described in chapters 29-40 of the Devi Bhagavatam. The Devi Gita begins with Himalaya asking the Divine Mother, “What did I do to deserve the blessing of having You take birth in my home? How should I act when I become the father of the Divine Mother? How should I regard You?”
The answers to these questions is where the Devi Gita begins…enjoy!
Devi Gita Video Class 2
Introductory Worship of Devi Gita
In this video, Swamij translates the Sanskrit preliminary mantras into English, and then answers questions from devotees.
Devi Gita Video Class 3
Chapter One of the Devi Gita
In this video, Swamiji discussed the precursor to the Devi Gita. He tells the story of Parikshit’s curse, and how Janamejaya, his son and successor became king during the Kali yuga. The last half of the class Swamiji answers quesitons from the audience.
Devi Gita Video Class 4
Chapter Two of the Devi Gita
In this class, Swamiji recaps the 60,000 year battle that Shiva and Vishnu fought with the Asuras, and when they returned home victorious, they were puffed up with pride. After Gauri and Lakshmi left them, Brahma needed help creating, preserving and transforming the universe. He told his mind born sons to propitiate the Divine Mother so that Shiva and Vishnu’s Shaktis would return to them and they could get back to work protecting and dissolving the universe.
Devi Gita Video Class 5
Chapter 2 Continued: Shakti Pithas
In this video, Swamiji discusses chapter 2 of the Devi Gita. He chants the Sanskrit and then translates into English the meaning and places of pilgrimage of the Goddess. He describes that these sacred places are both externally located in different regions of India, and internal, located within the body.
Devi Gita Video Class 6
Chapter Three of the Devi Gita
In this video, Swamiji discusses chapter 3 of the Devi Gita which includes the Gods propitiating the Divine Mother to manifest in a form to unite with Shiva and bring forth the son who is destined to slay the great demon, Tarakasura, the Illuminator of Duality.
Devi Gita Video Class 7
Chapter Four of the Devi Gita
In this class the Divine Mother Goddess begins to answer Himalaya’s questions about who She really is. As always, Swamiji answers questions in the last half of the class.
Devi Gita Video Class 8
Chapter Four of the Devi Gita (Continued)
In this video, Swamiji continues chapter 4 from verse 27. The discussion of the elements, organs of knowledge and action and the inner cause continues. The last half of the class is dedicated to questions from devotees.
Devi Gita Video Class 9
Chapter Five of the Devi Gita
In this video, Swamiji discusses how the Gods request the Goddess to show them her Universal form.
Devi Gita Video Class 10
Chapter Six of the Devi Gita
In this video, the Divine Mother describes the panchakrita process, and She describes the Devi pranava mantra “HRIM” to Himalaya and the other Gods.
Devi Gita Video Class 11
Chapter Seven of the Devi Gita
In this video, Swamiji talks about the methods and practices of yoga. Included are the 10 aspects of yam and niyam, the 5 preferred asanas for meditation, and instruction in pranayam.
Devi Gita Video Class 12
Chapter Eight of the Devi Gita
In this Video, Swamiji talks about the behaviors of a wise being. The Goddess explains to Himalaya the path of a jnani.
Devi Gita Video Class 13
Chapter Nine of the Devi Gita
In this video, Swamiji discusses the chapter on bhakti. The Goddess describes different forms of devotion (sattvic, rajasic and tamasic devotion) and explains parabhakti.
Devi Gita Video Class 14
Chapter Ten of the Devi Gita
In this video, the pilgrimage places of the Goddess are enumerated as well as the vows of worship.
Devi Gita Video Class 15
Chapter Eleven of the Devi Gita
In this video, Swamiji discusses the means by which the Goddess is pleased. Some follow a Vedic path, others a Tantric path, and some follow a path that is mishra.
Devi Gita Video Class 16
Chapter Twelve of the Devi Gita
In this video, Swamiji discusses chapter 12 of the Devi Gita wherein the Goddess explains the method of worship from the moment of waking up in the morning. She explains how to meditate upon Her form and what is most pleasing to Her.
Devi Gita Video Class 17
Navarna Vidhi
In this video, Swamiji describes the system of establishment of the nine lettered mantra: Om aim hrim klim chamundayai vicche.
Devi Gita Video Class 18
Rig Vedoktam Devi Suktam
In this class Swamiji discusses the Hymn of the Praise to the Goddess of Unity. He explains the story of the Vindhya Mountain and how he was humbled by Agastya Muni. Later, Agastya was married and had a daughter, who was the author of this Vedic hymn.
Devi Gita Video Class 19
Sri Devyatharvashirsham
In this video, Swamiji discusses the Highest Meaning of the Goddess, also known as the Devyatharvashirsham. The definition of HRIM is discussed, as well as the navarna mantra and the kadi vidya mantra. These are very esoteric mantras that invite the worshiper into a very deep, sacred place. Enjoy the unfathomable depth with which Swamiji explains these mantras.
Devi Gita Video Class 20
In this video, Swamiji finishes the class of Devi Gita with the pranam mantras, which literally means “to bow before.”
After translating, Swamiji answers questions from devotees.